Please Note: The code in the "pal_baremetal" directory is only a reference code for implementation of PAL API's and it has not been verified on any model or SoC's. The directory pal_baremetal consists of the reference code of the PAL API's specific to a platform. Description of each directory are as follows:
- common: The implementation common to all the baremetal platforms for all modules are in this directory.
1.1 include:
- pal_common_support.h: Implementation that is common to all platforms.
- pal_pcie_enum.h: Implementation needed for enumeration.
- pal_pl011_uart.h: Implementation needed for PL011 UART driver.
- pal_pmu.h: Implementation needed for PMU specific data structures.
1.2. src:
Source files common to all baremetal platforms which do not require user modification.
Eg: Info tables parsing, PCIe enumeration code, etc. - RDN2: Contains Platform specific code. The details in this folder need to be modified w.r.t the platform.
Reference Cmake file is present at CMakeLists.txt. To compile SBSA, perform following steps.
- cd sbsa-acs
- export CROSS_COMPILE=<path_to_the_toolchain>/bin/aarch64-none-elf-
- mkdir build
- cd build
- cmake ../ -G"Unix Makefiles" -DCROSS_COMPILE=$CROSS_COMPILE -DTARGET="Target platform"
- make
Recommended: CMake v3.17, GCC v12.2
CMake Command Line Options:
-DARM_ARCH_MAJOR = Arch major version. Default value is 9.
-DARM_ARCH_MINOR = Arch minor version. Default value is 0.
-DCROSS_COMPILE = Cross compiler path
-DTARGET = Target platform. Should be same as folder under pal_baremetal
On a successful build, *.bin, *.elf, *.img and debug binaries are generated at build/output directory. The output library files will be generated at build/tools/cmake/acs_host of the sbsa-acs directory.
1. In RDN2 software stack make following change:
In <rdn2_path>/build-scripts/ - replace uefi.bin with acs_latest.bin
if [ "${!tfa_tbbr_enabled}" == "1" ]; then
$TOP_DIR/$TF_A_PATH/tools/cert_create/cert_create \
${cert_tool_param} \
- ${bl33_param_id} ${OUTDIR}/${!uefi_out}/uefi.bin
+ ${bl33_param_id} ${OUTDIR}/${!uefi_out}/acs_latest.bin
${fip_tool} update \
${fip_param} \
- ${bl33_param_id} ${OUTDIR}/${!uefi_out}/uefi.bin \
+ ${bl33_param_id} ${OUTDIR}/${!uefi_out}/acs_latest.bin \
2. Repackage the FIP image with this new binary
cp <sbsa_acs>/build/output/acs_host.bin <rdn2_path>/output/rdn2/components/css-common/acs_latest.bin
cd <rdn2_path>
./build-scripts/rdinfra/ -p rdn2 package
export MODEL=<path_to_FVP_RDN2_model>
cd /model-scripts/rdinfra/platforms/rdn2
Note: Any platform specific changes can be done by using TARGET_BM_BOOT macro defintion. The pal_baremetal reference code is located in pal_baremetal. To customize the bare-metal code for different platforms, create a directory <platform_name> in pal_baremetal folder and copy the reference code from include and source folders from RDN2 to <platform_name>.
For more details on how to port the reference code to a specific platform and for further customisation please refer to the User Guide
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