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root contract changes #1

root contract changes

root contract changes #1

Workflow file for this run

name: docker push
# Runs on a push to any branch except trunk
# This CI will run on mit/opencbdc-tx only if the branch was created there
# This CI is run on pushes to branches on forks
- trunk
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# CI Setup #
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
# Build Base #
- name: Build docker base image (push)
run: docker build --target base -t opencbdc-tx-base-local .
# Submodules #
- name: Pull submodules
run: git submodule init && git submodule update
# Build Application #
- name: Build twophase docker image (push/pull_request with base changes)
run: docker build --target twophase --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=opencbdc-tx-base-local -t opencbdc-tx-twophase-local .
- name: Build atomizer docker image (push/pull_request with base changes)
run: docker build --target atomizer --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=opencbdc-tx-base-local -t opencbdc-tx-atomizer-local .
- name: Build parsec docker image (push/pull_request with base changes)
run: docker build --target parsec --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=opencbdc-tx-base-local -t opencbdc-tx-parsec-local .