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neurolabusc committed Jun 7, 2024
1 parent c413129 commit 5e0b9e8
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Showing 7 changed files with 163 additions and 1 deletion.
64 changes: 63 additions & 1 deletion main.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,6 +5,65 @@ async function main() {
nv1.setColormap(nv1.volumes[2].id, 'red')
function norm0to1(val, mn, mx) {
// return clamped/normalized 0..1, linearly interpolated min..max
let range = mx - mn;
let ret = (val - mn)/range;
return Math.min(Math.max(ret,0),1);
function neglect_predict() {
if (nv1.volumes.length !== 3) {
window.alert('Please reload the page and open lesions with the "Open Lesion Map" button')
let mask = nv1.volumes[1].img
let lesion = nv1.volumes[2].img
let nvox = lesion.length
if (nvox !== mask.length) {
window.alert('Lesion must precisely match mask')
let lesionVol = 0
let nMask = 0
const nVoxPCA = 5
const nMaskX = Math.floor(pca_coeff.length / nVoxPCA) //expected size
let map = new Float64Array(nvox)
let v = 0
for (let i = 0; i < nvox; i++) {
if ((lesion[i] > 0) && (mask[i] > 0))
lesionVol ++
if (mask[i] > 1)
map[nMask++] = lesion[i]
if (nMaskX !== nMask) {
window.alert('PCA and mask have different number of elements')
let PC = new Float64Array(nVoxPCA)
//PC = (map'*pca_val.coeff
for (let i = 0; i < nMask; i++) {
map[i] -= pca_mu[i]
for (let p = 0; p < nVoxPCA; p++) {
const offset = p * nMask
for (let i = 0; i < nMask; i++) {
PC[p] += map[i]*pca_coeff[i+offset]
//normalize values to range 0..1
// -> PCs: min = -51.9073; max = 110.0535
// -> CoC: min = -0.024243014; max = 0.951938077
// -> ROI_vol: min = 0; max = 21.625
for (let p = 0; p < nVoxPCA; p++) {
PC[p] = norm0to1(PC[p], -51.9073, 110.0535)
let acuteCoC = parseFloat(cocNumber.value)
acuteCoC = norm0to1(acuteCoC, -0.024243014, 0.951938077)
let ROI_volML = lesionVol / 1000
ROI_volML = norm0to1(ROI_volML, 0, 21.625);
const input_vector = [PC[0], PC[1], PC[2], PC[3], PC[4], acuteCoC, ROI_volML];
openBtn.onclick = async function () {
let input = document.createElement('input') = 'none'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -39,18 +98,21 @@ async function main() {
const nv1 = new Niivue(defaults)
const pca_coeff = (await nv1.loadFromUrl('./pca_values_coeff.nii.gz')).img
const pca_mu = (await nv1.loadFromUrl('./pca_values_mu.nii.gz')).img
nv1.opts.dragMode = nv1.dragModes.pan
nv1.opts.multiplanarForceRender = true
nv1.opts.yoke3Dto2DZoom = true
nv1.opts.crosshairGap = 11
await nv1.loadVolumes([
{ url: './betsct1_unsmooth.nii.gz' },
{url: './mask_vox.nii.gz', colormap: "blue"},
{url: './mask.nii.gz', colormap: "blue"},
{url: './M2095_lesion.nii.gz', colormap: "red"},

Binary file added public/mask.nii.gz
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added public/models_5x10_diff.mat
Binary file not shown.
100 changes: 100 additions & 0 deletions public/neglect_predict.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
function neglect_predict(fnm, acuteCoC)
%Predict chronic recovery based on lesion map and acute center of
%cancellation score.
% neglect_predict; %use GUI;
% neglect_predict('M2095_lesion.nii.gz', 0.65)
if nargin < 1
[p_file, p_path] = uigetfile('*.nii.gz;*.nii', 'Select lesion map');
if p_file==0
fnm = fullfile(p_path, p_file);
if nargin < 2
prompt = {'Enter acute CoC score (-1..1):'};
dlgtitle = 'Input';
fieldsize = [1];
definput = {'0.65'};
answer = inputdlg(prompt,dlgtitle,fieldsize,definput);
if length(answer) == 0
acuteCoC = str2double(answer{1});
lesion = niftiread(fnm);
mpath = fileparts(mfilename("fullpath"));
fnmMsk = fullfile(mpath, 'mask.nii.gz');
if ~exist(fnmMsk,'file')
error('Unable to find %s', fnmMsk)
maskVox012 = uint8(niftiread(fnmMsk));
maskROI = uint8(maskVox012 > 0);
maskVox = uint8(maskVox012 > 1);
ROI_volVox = nnz(maskROI & lesion);
ROI_volML = ROI_volVox / 1000; %convert voxels to ML
fprintf("%d lesioned voxels in ROI mask: %g ml\n", ROI_volVox, ROI_volML);
fnmPCA = fullfile(mpath, 'pca_values_5x21220.mat');
if ~exist(fnmPCA,'file')
error('Unable to find %s', fnmPCA)
pca_val = load(fnmPCA).pca_val;
if size(,2) ~= nnz(maskVox)
error('maskVox size does not match pca_val')
map_org = double(lesion(:));
mask_log = maskVox ~=0;
map = map_org(mask_log);
PC = (map'*pca_val.coeff;
if numel(PC) ~= 5
error('scores_new should have 5 values')
%normalize values to range 0..1
% -> PCs: min = -51.9073; max = 110.0535
% -> CoC: min = -0.024243014; max = 0.951938077
% -> ROI_vol: min = 0; max = 21.625
for i = 1:5
PC(i) = norm0to1(PC(i), -51.9073, 110.0535);
acuteCoC = norm0to1(acuteCoC, -0.024243014, 0.951938077);
ROI_volML = norm0to1(ROI_volML, 0, 21.625);
% input_vector = [PC1, PC2, PC3, PC4, PC5, CoC, ROI_vol];
% Exemplary patient data (with outcome = 0.8155):
input_vector = [PC(1), PC(2), PC(3), PC(4), PC(5), acuteCoC, ROI_volML];
fnmModel = fullfile(mpath, 'models_5x10_diff.mat');
if ~exist(fnmPCA,'file')
error('Unable to find %s', fnmPCA)
models = load(fnmModel).models;
% Blank prediction-array
predictions_mdls = zeros(numel(models),1);

% For each single model (5-fold nested cross validation x 10 model repetitions)
for i = 1:numel(models)
% Extract information from the i-th model
support_vectors_i = models{i}.SVs;
coefficients_i = models{i}.sv_coef;
bias_i = -models{i}.rho;
% Define RBF kernel function
gamma_i = models{i}.Parameters(4);
rbf_kernel = @(x1, x2) exp(-gamma_i * sum((x1 - x2).^2));
% Calculate the kernel values
kernel_values_i = arrayfun(@(j) rbf_kernel(input_vector, support_vectors_i(j, :)), 1:size(support_vectors_i, 1));
% Calculate the prediction using the regression function
predictions_mdls(i) = sum(coefficients_i' .* kernel_values_i) + bias_i;
% Feature weights and bias term
% w = coefficients_i' * support_vectors_i;
% b = bias_i;
% Calculate mean prediction
prediction_mean = mean(predictions_mdls);
disp(['Mean prediction: ' num2str(prediction_mean)]);
function ret = norm0to1(val, mn, mx)
%return normalized 0..1, linearly interpolated min..max
range = mx - mn;
ret = (val - mn)/range;
ret = min(max(ret,0),1);

Binary file added public/pca_values_5x21220.mat
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added public/pca_values_coeff.nii.gz
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added public/pca_values_mu.nii.gz
Binary file not shown.

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