This is a simple authentication api for the users created with Nest.js.
- The project uses MVCS as the main architecture.
- The RDBMS is MySQL. The project uses docker image as the main database.
- Prisma is the main ORM.
- The project does not include any unit, integration or e2e test.
$ yarn install
- Create .env file in the project root directory and fill with the necessary variables(see .env.local file)
# Set up the database
$ docker-compose up
# Apply the migrations
$ npx prisma db push
# Run the application
# development
$ yarn run start
# watch mode
$ yarn run start:dev
# production mode
$ yarn run start:prod
- [POST] /auth/signUp # User login
- [POST] /auth/signIn # User registration
- [GET] /user # Get user data