To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
DPrint is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'DPrint'
and then perform a pod install.
Small Debug logger written in Swift. It can log the name of the file in which it appears, the name of the declaration and the line number. Different types of logs are supported as well: text = 🔤, debug = 🚥, warning =
There is a default 'DPrint.log' method which accepts the following arguments:
- #item (Any) -> The item(s) to print.
- #path (String) -> The name of the file in which it appears (optional).
- #functionName (String) -> The name of the declaration in which it appears (optional).
- #lineNo (Int) -> The line number on which it appears (optional).
- #messageType (DPrintMessageType) -> The type of icon to show when printing the message (optional). Five more convenient methods have been provided to help distinguish logs based on type (i.e. DPrint.logText, DPrint.logDebug, DPrint.logError, DPrint.logFixMe, DPrint.logWarning). See usage below.
In your class:
import DPrint
Then when you want to log something use one of the following methods:
DPrint.log("blah", ["item", "item 1"], ["item": 6, "item2": 8], 9)
DPrint.logText([2, 4], "text")
DPrint.logDebug("A debug message")
DPrint.logError("An error message")
DPrint.logFixMe("Fix me please")
DPrint.logWarning("Please be careful")
The output will be:
File: ViewController.swift | Function: viewDidLoad() | lineNo: 18
-> blah
-> ["item", "item 1"]
-> ["item": 6, "item2": 8]
-> 9
🔤 | File: ViewController.swift | Function: viewDidLoad() | lineNo: 21
-> [2, 4]
🔤 | File: ViewController.swift | Function: viewDidLoad() | lineNo: 21
-> text
🚥 | File: ViewController.swift | Function: viewDidLoad() | lineNo: 22
-> A debug message
❌ | File: ViewController.swift | Function: viewDidLoad() | lineNo: 23
-> An error message
💊 | File: ViewController.swift | Function: viewDidLoad() | lineNo: 24
-> Fix me please
⚠️ | File: ViewController.swift | Function: viewDidLoad() | lineNo: 25
-> Please be careful
George Erakleous, [email protected]
DPrint is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.