This is a basic starter package for GatsbyJS.
Currently this starter includes the following:
- CSS-in-JS via Emotion.
- Jest and Enzyme for testing.
- Eslint in dev mode with the airbnb config and prettier formatting rules.
- React 16.
- A basic blog, with posts under src/pages/blog. There's also a script which creates a new Blog entry (
- Data per JSON files.
- A few basic components (Navigation, Footer, Layout).
- Layout components make use of Styled-System.
- Google Analytics (you just have to enter your tracking-id).
- Gatsby-Plugin-Offline which includes Service Workers.
- Prettier for a uniform codebase.
- Normalize css (7.0).
- Feather icons.
- Font styles taken from Tachyons.
If you have 'gatsby' installed globally or check how to install Gatsby globally, and just start a new project with:
gatsby new <project_name>
npm start
npm run build
npm test