Maintained by Zander Martineau
- Server-side React rendering with Next.js v3x
- Jest unit tests with Enzyme
- Prettier formatting
- StandardJS Linting
- Component styling with styled-jsx
- SVGs rendered inline using babel-plugin-inline-react-svg
- UI development environment provided by Storybook
npm run dev
/yarn dev
for local developmentnpm run build
/yarn build
to build the app for deploymentnpm start
/yarn start
to run the app in production environmentnpm test
/yarn test
to test everythingnpm run test:watch
/yarn test:watch
to watch files for changes and rerun tests related to changed filesnpm run storybook:run
/yarn storybook:run
to run storybook locallynpm run storybook:build
/yarn storybook:build
to compile storybook for static deployment
Find out more about next.js here
Use nextein
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For transparency into our release cycle and in striving to maintain backward compatibility, this repo is maintained under the Semantic Versioning guidelines.