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MrHinsh committed Sep 11, 2024
1 parent e96b0a6 commit bdeb4f6
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114 changes: 114 additions & 0 deletions .powershell/cleanImageLength.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
# Define the folder containing the blog posts
$postsFolder = "C:\Users\MartinHinshelwoodNKD\source\repos\protptype\content\resources\blog"

# Improved regular expression to remove GUIDs anywhere in the filename
$guidPattern = "[0-9A-Fa-f]{8}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}-[0-9A-Fa-f]{12}"

# Initialize the counter
$counter = 1

function Clean-ImageName {
param (

# Extract file extension
$extension = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($name)
$baseName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($name)
# Remove specific text
$baseName = $baseName-replace "GWB-WindowsLiveWriter-", ""
$baseName = $baseName-replace "GWB-Windows-Live-Writer-", ""

# Remove GUIDs
$baseName = $baseName -replace $guidPattern, ""

# Append the counter to the base name
$cleanedBaseName = "$baseName-$counter"

# Combine the cleaned base name with the original extension
$cleanedName = "$cleanedBaseName$extension"

Write-Host "Original Name: $name"
Write-Host "Cleaned Name: $cleanedName"

return $cleanedName

function Clean-ImageNameNasty {
param (

# Extract file extension
$extension = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($name)
$baseName = "image-" + $counter
# Combine the cleaned base name with the original extension
$cleanedName = "$baseName$extension"

Write-Host "Original Name: $name"
Write-Host "Cleaned Name: $cleanedName"

return $cleanedName

function Process-PostFolder {
param (

$imagesFolder = Join-Path -Path $postFolder -ChildPath "images"
$indexFile = Join-Path -Path $postFolder -ChildPath ""

if (-Not (Test-Path -Path $imagesFolder)) {
Write-Host "Images folder not found: $imagesFolder"

$renameMap = @{}

# Process images
$imageFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $imagesFolder -File
foreach ($image in $imageFiles) {
$oldPath = $image.FullName

# Only process if path length is more than 255 characters
if ($oldPath.Length -gt 255) {
$newName = Clean-ImageName -name $image.Name -counter $counter
$newPath = Join-Path -Path $imagesFolder -ChildPath $newName
if ($newPath.Length -gt 255) {
$newName = Clean-ImageNameNasty -name $image.Name -counter $counter
$newPath = Join-Path -Path $imagesFolder -ChildPath $newName

if ($oldPath -ne $newPath) {
$renameMap[$image.Name] = $newName
Rename-Item -Path $oldPath -NewName $newPath
Write-Host "Renamed: $oldPath -> $newPath"
$counter++ # Increment counter for the next file

# Update
if ((Test-Path -Path $indexFile) -and ($renameMap.Count -gt 0)) {
$content = Get-Content -Path $indexFile -Raw

foreach ($oldName in $renameMap.Keys) {
$newName = $renameMap[$oldName]
$content = $content -replace [regex]::Escape($oldName), $newName

Set-Content -Path $indexFile -Value $content
Write-Host "Updated $indexFile with new image names."

#Iterate through each post folder
$directories = Get-ChildItem -Path $postsFolder -Directory
foreach ($dir in $directories) {
Process-PostFolder -postFolder $dir.FullName
#Process-PostFolder -postFolder "C:\Users\MartinHinshelwoodNKD\source\repos\protptype\content\resources\blog\2009-10-20-installing-visual-studio-2010-team-foundation-server-on-windows-vista-in-3-minutes"
83 changes: 83 additions & 0 deletions content/resources/blog/2006-06-22-ahaaaa/data.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
title: Ahaaaa!
pubDate: Thu, 22 Jun 2006 14:35:00 +0000
creator: MrHinsh
isPermaLink: 'false'
description: ''
- "As you can see from my other posts, I seem to be having a problem putting code into the posts. I will persevere and see if I can get the hang of it, then fix the other posts...<div style=\"padding-bottom: 0px;margin: 0px;padding-left: 0px;padding-right: 0px;float: none;padding-top: 0px\" class=\"wlWriterEditableSmartContent\">Technorati Tags: <a href=\"\" rel=\"tag\">Misc</a>\_</div>"
- ''
post_id: '469'
post_date: '2006-06-22 14:35:00'
post_date_gmt: '2006-06-22 14:35:00'
post_modified: '2006-06-22 14:35:00'
post_modified_gmt: '2006-06-22 14:35:00'
comment_status: open
ping_status: open
post_name: ahaaaa
status: publish
post_parent: '0'
menu_order: '0'
post_type: post
post_password: ''
is_sticky: '0'
category: {}
- meta_key: authorsure_include_css
meta_value: ''
- meta_key: dsq_thread_id
meta_value: '349313966'
- meta_key: _views
meta_value: '1'
- meta_key: _thumbnail_id
meta_value: '5063'
- meta_key: _wpbitly
- meta_key: _jetpack_related_posts_cache
meta_value: >-
- meta_key: _wpghs_github_path
meta_value: _posts/
- meta_key: _sha
meta_value: ''
- meta_key: _wpml_media_has_media
meta_value: '1'
- meta_key: _tribe_ticket_capacity
meta_value: '0'
- meta_key: _tribe_ticket_version
meta_value: 4.11.4
- meta_key: ekit_post_views_count
meta_value: '495'
comment_id: '6'
comment_author: Disqus &amp; Chrome with non-support | Visual Studio ALM
comment_author_email: ''
comment_date: '2011-07-05 06:33:04'
comment_date_gmt: '2011-07-05 13:33:04'
comment_content: >-
[...] Go to any single blog post page, but the one depicted in the
screenshot would be you best bet ( its
an old post, but short so loads quickly. &gt;&gt;a step-by-step process to
reproduce the issue [...]
comment_approved: '1'
comment_type: pingback
comment_parent: '0'
comment_user_id: '0'
- meta_key: akismet_result
meta_value: 'false'
- meta_key: akismet_history
meta_value: >-
cleared this comment";s:5:"event";s:9:"check-ham";s:4:"user";s:0:"";}
- meta_key: akismet_history
meta_value: >-
changed the comment status to
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Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions content/resources/blog/2006-06-22-ahaaaa/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
id: "469"
title: "Ahaaaa!"
date: "2006-06-22"
- "off-topic"
coverImage: "nakedalm-logo-128-link-1-1.png"
author: "MrHinsh"
type: "post"
slug: "ahaaaa"

As you can see from my other posts, I seem to be having a problem putting code into the posts. I will persevere and see if I can get the hang of it, then fix the other posts...

Technorati Tags: [Misc](

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
title: Custom UI colour scheme for Windows Forms .NET
pubDate: Thu, 22 Jun 2006 14:20:00 +0000
creator: MrHinsh
_: >-
isPermaLink: 'false'
description: ''
- "<p>The easyest way to customise you display of your ToolStrip, MainMenu and StatusBar is to use a custom ColorTable.</p>\n<p>Just inherit from the ProfessionalColorRenderer and override what you want, with the colors you want:</p>\n<!-- code formatted by -->\n<div class=\"csharpcode\">\n<pre><span class=\"lnum\"> 1: </span><span class=\"kwrd\">Public</span> <span class=\"kwrd\">Class</span> MortgagesPlcColorTable</pre>\n<pre><span class=\"lnum\"> 2: </span> <span class=\"kwrd\">Inherits</span> ProfessionalColorTable</pre>\n<pre><span class=\"lnum\"> 3: </span>\_</pre>\n<pre><span class=\"lnum\"> 4: </span> <span class=\"kwrd\">Public</span> <span class=\"kwrd\">Overrides</span> <span class=\"kwrd\">ReadOnly</span> <span class=\"kwrd\">Property</span> ButtonCheckedHighlightBorder() <span class=\"kwrd\">As</span> System.Drawing.Color</pre>\n<pre><span class=\"lnum\"> 5: </span> <span class=\"kwrd\">Get</span></pre>\n<pre><span class=\"lnum\"> 6: </span> <span class=\"kwrd\">Return</span> <span class=\"kwrd\">MyBase</span>.ButtonCheckedHighlightBorder</pre>\n<pre><span class=\"lnum\"> 7: </span> <span class=\"kwrd\">End</span> <span class=\"kwrd\">Get</span></pre>\n<pre><span class=\"lnum\"> 8: </span> <span class=\"kwrd\">End</span> <span class=\"kwrd\">Property</span></pre>\n<pre><span class=\"lnum\"> 9: </span>\_</pre>\n<pre><span class=\"lnum\"> 10: </span> <span class=\"kwrd\">Public</span> <span class=\"kwrd\">Overrides</span> <span class=\"kwrd\">ReadOnly</span> <span class=\"kwrd\">Property</span> MenuItemPressedGradientMiddle() <span class=\"kwrd\">As</span> System.Drawing.Color</pre>\n<pre><span class=\"lnum\"> 11: </span> <span class=\"kwrd\">Get</span></pre>\n<pre><span class=\"lnum\"> 12: </span> <span class=\"kwrd\">Return</span> Color.FromArgb(91, 91, 91)</pre>\n<pre><span class=\"lnum\"> 13: </span> <span class=\"kwrd\">End</span> <span class=\"kwrd\">Get</span></pre>\n<pre><span class=\"lnum\"> 14: </span> <span class=\"kwrd\">End</span> <span class=\"kwrd\">Property</span></pre>\n<pre><span class=\"lnum\"> 15: </span>\_</pre>\n<pre><span class=\"lnum\"> 16: </span> <span class=\"kwrd\">Public</span> <span class=\"kwrd\">Overrides</span> <span class=\"kwrd\">ReadOnly</span> <span class=\"kwrd\">Property</span> ToolStripContentPanelGradientBegin() <span class=\"kwrd\">As</span> System.Drawing.Color</pre>\n<pre><span class=\"lnum\"> 17: </span> <span class=\"kwrd\">Get</span></pre>\n<pre><span class=\"lnum\"> 18: </span> <span class=\"kwrd\">Return</span> Color.FromArgb(80, 80, 80)</pre>\n<pre><span class=\"lnum\"> 19: </span> <span class=\"kwrd\">End</span> <span class=\"kwrd\">Get</span></pre>\n<pre><span class=\"lnum\"> 20: </span> <span class=\"kwrd\">End</span> <span class=\"kwrd\">Property</span></pre>\n<pre><span class=\"lnum\"> 21: </span>\_</pre>\n<pre><span class=\"lnum\"> 22: </span> <span class=\"kwrd\">Public</span> <span class=\"kwrd\">Overrides</span> <span class=\"kwrd\">ReadOnly</span> <span class=\"kwrd\">Property</span> ToolStripContentPanelGradientEnd() <span class=\"kwrd\">As</span> System.Drawing.Color</pre>\n<pre><span class=\"lnum\"> 23: </span> <span class=\"kwrd\">Get</span></pre>\n<pre><span class=\"lnum\"> 24: </span> <span class=\"kwrd\">Return</span> Color.WhiteSmoke</pre>\n<pre><span class=\"lnum\"> 25: </span> <span class=\"kwrd\">End</span> <span class=\"kwrd\">Get</span></pre>\n<pre><span class=\"lnum\"> 26: </span> <span class=\"kwrd\">End</span> <span class=\"kwrd\">Property</span></pre>\n<pre><span class=\"lnum\"> 27: </span>\_</pre>\n<pre><span class=\"lnum\"> 28: </span> <span class=\"kwrd\">Public</span> <span class=\"kwrd\">Overrides</span> <span class=\"kwrd\">ReadOnly</span> <span class=\"kwrd\">Property</span> ToolStripDropDownBackground() <span class=\"kwrd\">As</span> System.Drawing.Color</pre>\n<pre><span class=\"lnum\"> 29: </span> <span class=\"kwrd\">Get</span></pre>\n<pre><span class=\"lnum\"> 30: </span> <span class=\"kwrd\">Return</span> Color.FromArgb(91, 91, 91)</pre>\n<pre><span class=\"lnum\"> 31: </span> <span class=\"kwrd\">End</span> <span class=\"kwrd\">Get</span></pre>\n<pre><span class=\"lnum\"> 32: </span> <span class=\"kwrd\">End</span> <span class=\"kwrd\">Property</span></pre>\n<pre><span class=\"lnum\"> 33: </span>\_</pre>\n<pre><span class=\"lnum\"> 34: </span> <span class=\"kwrd\">Public</span> <span class=\"kwrd\">Overrides</span> <span class=\"kwrd\">ReadOnly</span> <span class=\"kwrd\">Property</span> ToolStripGradientBegin() <span class=\"kwrd\">As</span> System.Drawing.Color</pre>\n<pre><span class=\"lnum\"> 35: </span> <span class=\"kwrd\">Get</span></pre>\n<pre><span class=\"lnum\"> 36: </span> <span class=\"kwrd\">Return</span> Color.FromArgb(80, 80, 80)</pre>\n<pre><span class=\"lnum\"> 37: </span> <span class=\"kwrd\">End</span> <span class=\"kwrd\">Get</span></pre>\n<pre><span class=\"lnum\"> 38: </span> <span class=\"kwrd\">End</span> <span class=\"kwrd\">Property</span></pre>\n<pre><span class=\"lnum\"> 39: </span>\_</pre>\n<pre><span class=\"lnum\"> 40: </span> <span class=\"kwrd\">End</span> <span class=\"kwrd\">Class</span></pre>\n</div>\n<p>Once you have done this, all you need now is to add it to your contols:</p>\n<!-- code formatted by -->\n<div>\n<pre><span> 1: </span> System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripManager.Renderer = <span>New</span> ToolStripProfessionalRenderer(<span>New</span> MortgagesPlc.Windows.Forms.MortgagesPlcColorTable)</pre>\n</div>\n<p>All done! If you have problems you can inherit from the ToolStrip control and change the renderer in the constructor...</p><div style=\"padding-bottom: 0px;margin: 0px;padding-left: 0px;padding-right: 0px;float: none;padding-top: 0px\" class=\"wlWriterEditableSmartContent\">Technorati Tags: <a href=\"\" rel=\"tag\">.NET</a>\_</div>"
- ''
post_id: '466'
post_date: '2006-06-22 14:20:00'
post_date_gmt: '2006-06-22 14:20:00'
post_modified: '2006-06-22 14:20:00'
post_modified_gmt: '2006-06-22 14:20:00'
comment_status: open
ping_status: open
post_name: custom-ui-colour-scheme-for-windows-forms-net
status: publish
post_parent: '0'
menu_order: '0'
post_type: post
post_password: ''
is_sticky: '0'
category: {}
- meta_key: authorsure_include_css
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meta_value: ''
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meta_value: ''
- meta_key: _wp_old_slug
meta_value: custom-ui-colour-sceam-for-windows-forms-net
- meta_key: robotsmeta
meta_value: index,follow
- meta_key: _views
meta_value: '1'
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meta_value: '7080'
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- meta_key: _wpghs_github_path
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- meta_key: _sha
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- meta_key: _wpml_media_has_media
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- meta_key: _tribe_ticket_capacity
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- meta_key: _tribe_ticket_version
meta_value: 4.11.4
- meta_key: ekit_post_views_count
meta_value: '403'
comment_id: '5'
comment_author: Richard McLaughlin
comment_author_email: [email protected]
comment_author_url: ''
comment_author_IP: ''
comment_date: '2011-08-30 14:18:00'
comment_date_gmt: '2011-08-30 14:18:00'
comment_content: Its scheme not sceam
comment_approved: '1'
comment_type: comment
comment_parent: '0'
comment_user_id: '0'
- meta_key: dsq_parent_post_id
meta_value: ''
- meta_key: dsq_post_id
meta_value: '298698642'
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