- Create catkin workspace
mkdir -p ~/pioneer3at_ws/src
cd ~/pioneer3at_ws/src
- Clone repository
cd ~/pioneer3at_ws/src
clone https://github.com/nkoenig/pioneer3at_demo
- Build
cd ~/pioneer3at_ws
catkin_make install
- Run Gazebo
cd ~/pioneer3at_ws
source install/setup.bash
roslaunch p3at_description p3at.launch
- In another terminal, run the ros control code
cd ~/pioneer3at_ws
source install/setup.bash
rosrun p3at_plugin p3at
The p3at_description package now also contains examples for spawning multiple robots. The spawn_p3at.launch file spawns a robot with arguments robot_name
(name used to distinguish different robots) and pose_args
(for specifying the spawn pose). All relevant topics are published under the namespace as given by the robot_name
A example of usage to spawn 2 robots into an empty world can be started via
roslaunch p3at_description empty_world_multi_robot_example.launch
If you want to really tax your machine, you can try
roslaunch p3at_description lots_of_robots.launch
This spawns 100 P3ATs and demonstrates how the spawn script described previously can be used to quickly generate large test scenarios. Note that after spawning all robots, the system requires about 9Gbytes of RAM.

# Project
Modify code in `~/pioneer3at_ws/src/pioneer3at_demo/p3at_plugin/src/p3at.cc`
to driver the P3AT so that it doesn't hit opstacles.