This console game was inspired by "I wanna be the Boshy" created by developer Jesper "Solgryn" Erlandsen. Due to an issue with the ncurses library, there is a slight flicker delay in Terminal on macOS and CMD on Windows.
- MacOS X
- Windows
- Up-Arrow: Move up
- Down-Arrow: Move down
- Left-Arrow: Move left
- Right-Arrow: Move right
- q: Quit game
brew tap nltb99/up_down
brew install up_down
TODO: To be updated!
- C compiler
- ncurses library
make mac-install
make run-mac
make win-install
make run-win
# Create the .tar.gz archive:
tar -czvf ./src/up_down.tar.gz ./src/up_down
# Verify the archive
tar -tzvf ./src/up_down.tar.gz
# To get the SHA256 checksum of the .tar.gz file
shasum -a 256 ./src/up_down.tar.gz
- Add ncurses colors for the Player(x)
- Add more types of obstacles
- Refactor and clean up code
- Update
- Add a global ranking score instead of a local one (SQLite -> Redis?,...)
lllllll tttt b::::::b 999999999 999999999
l:::::l ttt:::t b::::::b 99:::::::::99 99:::::::::99
l:::::l t:::::t b::::::b 99:::::::::::::99 99:::::::::::::99
l:::::l t:::::t b:::::b 9::::::99999::::::99::::::99999::::::9
nnnn nnnnnnnn l::::lttttttt:::::ttttttt b:::::bbbbbbbbb 9:::::9 9:::::99:::::9 9:::::9
n:::nn::::::::nn l::::lt:::::::::::::::::t b::::::::::::::bb9:::::9 9:::::99:::::9 9:::::9
n::::::::::::::nn l::::lt:::::::::::::::::t b::::::::::::::::b9:::::99999::::::9 9:::::99999::::::9
nn:::::::::::::::n l::::ltttttt:::::::tttttt b:::::bbbbb:::::::b99::::::::::::::9 99::::::::::::::9
n:::::nnnn:::::n l::::l t:::::t b:::::b b::::::b 99999::::::::9 99999::::::::9
n::::n n::::n l::::l t:::::t b:::::b b:::::b 9::::::9 9::::::9
n::::n n::::n l::::l t:::::t b:::::b b:::::b 9::::::9 9::::::9
n::::n n::::n l::::l t:::::t ttttttb:::::b b:::::b 9::::::9 9::::::9
n::::n n::::nl::::::l t::::::tttt:::::tb:::::bbbbbb::::::b 9::::::9 9::::::9
n::::n n::::nl::::::l tt::::::::::::::tb::::::::::::::::b 9::::::9 9::::::9
n::::n n::::nl::::::l tt:::::::::::ttb:::::::::::::::b 9::::::9 9::::::9
nnnnnn nnnnnnllllllll ttttttttttt bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb 99999999 99999999