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mwright-nmdp edited this page Jul 2, 2021 · 4 revisions


Virtual Data Standards Symposium & Hackathon 2021

5 & 6 August 2021

Following three previous DaSSHes, both in-person and virtual, we announce the date for another virtual symposium and hackathon. The general overview of topics and demonstrations is centered around the CIBMTR Data Transformation Initiative and the HL7 FHIR standard. The full agenda is on the following pages, but the approach is for the symposium to present talks about the rationale, content and how-to-use some applications, and then in the afternoon hackathon session there will be hands-on practice with them, either with your own data or with data we supply. The first day concentrates on the reporting app, and the second is mainly about Direct FHIR & HLA2FHIR. The morning sessions finish at noon, and the afternoon sessions start at 1:00pm (Central US). You can attend either or both sessions for both days.

Registration is free.

If you plan to attend, please contact Michael Wright, [email protected] for more details.


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