Project to automate Mealie Recipe Manager backups with a Python script via the Mealie API. Builds a Docker container to run the script and contains a Docker Compose to spin up the container and a Tailscale sidecar. Also included are systemd units to schedule and execute the compose file weekly.
NOTE: The Mealie does not currently provide a mechanism to exporting backup files via API. Backup files are generated and stored locally on the Mealie instance.
├── docker-compose.yml # Executes backup stack
├── Dockerfile # Builds app container w/ Python env
├── sample-env # Sample env file with req'd variables
├── app
| ├── # Backup script
| ├── requirements.txt # Required Python packages
| └── script.log # Contains HTTP status code of last run; .gitignore'd
└── systemd
├── mealie-backup.service # Creates and destroys Compose stack
├── mealie-backup.timer # Periodically executes service file
└── # Sets up systemd units
Function | Command |
Start | docker compose -f /path/to/docker-compose.yml --env-file /path/to/.env up --abort-on-container-exit |
Stop/Clean-up | docker compose -f /path/to/docker-compose.yml --env-file /path/to/.env down |