The BERT training experiment was done in the following order: the following ipynb were run on kaggle. We have made the notebooks public(for the duration of grading) on kaggle so you can run them, if needed.
- Huggingface BERT is finetuned on our dataset and the best model is saved - huggingface-bert.ipynb
- the saved model is used for inference - bert-mcq.ipynb
- Kfolds is performed on Huggingface BERT and is finetuned on our dataset and the best model(of all folds) is saved - kfolds-on-bert.ipynb
- The saved model(from3) is used for inference - bert-mcq.ipynb
RAG takes an input and retrieves a set of relevant/supporting documents given a source (e.g., Wikipedia).
- Huggingface BERT is finetuned on our dataset + the retrieved context and the best model is saved - huggingface-bert-with-wikipedia-rag.ipynb
- The saved model is used for inference - bert-with-wikipedia-rag.ipynb
- Kfolds is performed on Huggingface BERT and is finetuned on our dataset and the best model(of all folds) is saved - kfolds-of-huggingface-bert-with-wikipedia-rag.ipynb
- The saved model(from3) is used for inference - bert-with-wikipedia-rag.ipynb
The notebooks run on kaggle.
- Huggingface RoBERTa finetuning/finetuned (uncomment/comment necessary parts) - roberta-llm-exam.ipynb
- Kfolds is performed on Huggingface RoBERTa finetuning/finetuned (uncomment/comment necessary parts) - roberta-kfold.ipynb
The process for getting suppoting information is the same as for BERT and other models in our project.
- Huggingface RoBERTa finetuning/finetuned (uncomment/comment necessary parts) + the retrieved context - roberta-RAG.ipynb
- Kfolds is performed on Huggingface RoBERTa finetuning/finetuned (uncomment/comment necessary parts) + the retrieved context - roberta-RAG-kfold.ipynb
gpt3.5 API was used, and the predictions are in gpt3.5_pred.csv
Llama 2 7b chat api was used. Notebooks for the inference process are llama-api.ipynb and llama-api-with-context.ipynb for inferencing without and with RAG context respectively. The predictions are in llama-2-7b-answers.csv and llama-2-7b-answers-context.csv
- LSTM multiclass classification without rag - [lstm-without-rag.ipynb] (
- LSTM multiclass classification with rag - [lstm-with-rag.ipynb] (
- LSTM for next word inference - [lstm-next-token-pred.ipynb] (
- Platypus inference without wikipedia rag - [platypus2-70b-without-wikipedia-rag.ipynb] (
- Platypus inference with wikipedia rag - [platypus2-70b-with-wikipedia-rag.ipynb] (
- Bag-of-words + cosine similarity bow-without-sklearn.ipynb
- Bag-of-words + cosine similarity with sklearn bow-with-sklearn.ipynb