91 commits
to master
since this release
- Disabled cmake compile tests by default and on compilers that do not support them (#95)
- Fix Python 2 bindings support in CMake scripts (#90)
- Port libnabo to c++11 (#89)
- Remove register keyword in index_heap.h (#88)
- Fix compilation warning for MSVC (#85)
- Assert template type for invalid setters (#80)
- Return numerically maximal index (unsigned) or -1 (signed) for no match case (#79)
- Add generate step for ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/libnaboConfig.cmake (#76)
- Removed compiler-specific flags for compilers that do not support them (#74)
- Added cmake_policy(SET CMP0054 NEW) (#73)
- Output compiler message with compile test fatal error in cmake (#72)
- Removed erroneous commas from test/CMakeLists.txt (#71)
- Removed fatal "," suffix from FATAL_ERROR in CMakeLists.txt (#70)
- Fixed regression concerning installed libnaboConfig.cmake (#65)
- Fix/relax compiler requirements (#63)
- Removed hard dependency on the doc target (#62)
- Install any.hpp (#61)
- Remove boost::any and boost:format dependencies (#59)
- Port the python bindings to python3 (#57)
- Added cmake switch to disable usage of OpenMP (#53)
- Zero copy for Eigen::Matrix3XT and Eigen::Map (#43)
- Fix warnings and switch on Wextra (#42)
- Disallow instantiation with non dynamic matrices (#41)
- Update README.md
- Removed all code dealing with libnaboTargets.cmake (#32)
- Got rid of unused locally defined typedefs (#27)
Contributors: David Landry, Hannes Sommer, Simon Lynen, Simon-Pierre Deschênes, Stéphane Magnenat, cezheng, ffurrer, magehrig, renning22, sandsmark, taketwo, tcies