Drag, Left, Right and Double Click the mouse using only mouse movement -- no physical clicking.
NoClick allows the user to Drag, Left, Right and Double Click the mouse using only mouse movement -- no physical clicking is necessary. When the mouse stops moving, four click panes appear, corresponding to Drag, Left, Right and DoubleClick. When the mouse is placed into one of the click panes, the corresponding mouse action occurs where the mouse originally stopped.
The document, NoClickUserManual.pdf details the usage of NoClcik. NoClick has been used on Linux and Windows.
The documentation for NoClick resides in the NoClick repository. Obtain it with the command
git clone https://github.com/normvcr/NoClick.git
Now, the NoClick folder contains the NoClick documentation. The source code for NoClick resides on the umbrella source repository Projects, where the entire Proejects source may be obtained.
Alternatively, the NoClick-specific source code may be obtained, as follows:
- Do this only the first time cloning into the Projects repository.
Add --sparse to the Projects clone command
git clone --sparse https://github.com/normvcr/Projects.git
- Change to the Projects folder
cd Projects
- Restrict sparse checkout to folders (not to cherry-pick files)
git sparse-checkout init --cone
- Get the NoClick source code with the supplied Bourne script from the NoClick documentation folder
Please, note, that the above relative path assumes that the two git clone commands were run in the same folder, so that Projects and NoClick are sibling folders.
The advantage of this approach, is that projcts may be separately downloaded as convenient, but still reside within a common repository, thus avoiding redundant copies of common source code.
NoClick is built on top of the BLDEV project, whose source code was also obtained in the previous section. BLDEV has two options for its installation:
- IO source code generation using the Clang/LLVM libraries
- Managing keyboard key codes.
These two options are required by NoClick. If BLDEV is not already installed on your machine with these two options, please follow the BLDEV installation instructions, especially the Platform.inc portion of section 3.
Use your system installer to get the QT development libraries, for example on Fedora:
dnf install qt5-devl
The open source edition of the QT libraries may be obtained from QT open source .
Please copy the file noclickIcon.ico to the folder
where RESOURCE_DIR is a Make variable defined in Platform.inc.
NoClick may be built by executing the following command in the DEVTOP folder of your development tree:
make incinst libs bins bininst
This will place the NoClick executable into the DEVTOP/bin folder. Further setup information is in the NoClickUserManual, section 1.
NoClick is distributed under the MIT license. The folder Attributions contains licenses and acknwledgements for 3rd party code, which, themselves, may have conditions distinct from the NoClick distribution license. Notably, the QT license is LGPL.