New Features
- Add config to jenkins-x pipeline (Lucas Pirola)
- add links for all campaigns in the timeline (Gloria Maria)
- add obama-foundation/stanford logos to the 'Na Midia' block (Gloria Maria)
- add property to close the modal by clicking outside (Gloria Maria)
- add periferia-que-faz to the timeline (Gloria Maria)
- add nossas logo to the desktop version (Gloria Maria)
- add new cover to home (Gloria Maria)
- remove 'participe de uma campanha' from the footer and change order of the links (Gloria Maria)
- insert activist names in the userName field (Gloria Maria)
- add userName field to ImageText component (Gloria Maria)
- update menu mobile to use dropdown (Igor Santos)
- update Navbar menu to Dropdown (Igor Santos)
- add a new cover to the mobilizations page (Gloria Maria)
- add icons and replace form block with vacancy block (Gloria Maria)
- add arrow down on the covers of all pages (Gloria Maria)
- add Adriele's bio (Gloria Maria)
- add zoom to the image when hovering (Gloria Maria)
- add DrawerInfo opening when clicking EmployeeItem (Gloria Maria)
- add underline textDecoration in EmployeeItem component (Gloria Maria)
- Add ci/cd via kubernetes (Lucas Pirola)
- add work-with-us cover (Gloria Maria)
- add link to download audit on the about page (Gloria Maria)
- add youtube logo on footer (Gloria Maria)
- add pt-br static text in Materials page (Gloria Maria)
- add pt-br static text in Incubations page (Gloria Maria)
- update Timeline in About Page (Igor Santos)
- update team members in About Page (Igor Santos)
- add static text pt-br in home page (Igor Santos)
- update about page (Gloria Maria)
- update timeline texts (Gloria Maria)
- update timeline (Gloria Maria)
- add images of the new mobilizations to the timeline (Gloria Maria)
- add nossas email to the footer (Gloria Maria)
- update footer links (Gloria Maria)
- add work-with-us media (Gloria Maria)
- update en/pt-BR content.json (Gloria Maria)
- add work-with-us page (Gloria Maria)
- add new form (Gloria Maria)
- make the DescriptionBox component more reusable (Gloria Maria)
- add prop to render fields SubscribeForm (Gloria Maria)
- add accordion component (Igor Santos)
- add employee component (Igor Santos)
- redirect I18nButton to en.nossas.org (Igor Santos)
- add link to home in footer logo (Igor Santos)
- add training page (Gloria Maria)
- submit newsletter (Igor Santos)
- add video in technologies page (Igor Santos)
- submit form entry to incubations (Igor Santos)
- add format to tel InputField (Igor Santos)
- add submit form entry (Igor Santos)
- add link to /about (Gloria Maria)
- add training page (Gloria Maria)
- add technologies page (Igor Santos)
- add mobilizations page (Igor Santos)
- add materials page (Igor Santos)
- incubations page (Igor Santos)
- add team members (Igor Santos)
- add impact numbers (Igor Santos)
- add timeline mobile (Igor Santos)
- add timeline for desktop (Igor Santos)
- add beba neue styles font (Igor Santos)
- themes (Igor Santos)
- register donation in bonde-api-graphql (Igor Santos)
- add stripe ssr and start donation drawer (Igor Santos)
- Add config to build, deploy and relese (Lucas Pirola)
- media: adds media component to home page (Viviane Dias)
- add graphql ssr (Igor Santos)
- add variation to Slider children (Igor Santos)
- add simple form components (Igor Santos)
- adds hero header with video/image support (Viviane Dias)
- add I18nButton (Igor Santos)
- separate components and pages folder (Viviane Dias)
- adds footer (Viviane Dias)
- menu hamburguer (Igor Santos)
- add Slider componente (Igor Santos)
- add i18n (Igor Santos)
- add chakra ui and custom theme (Igor Santos)
- setup typescript (Igor Santos)
- add and update mobilizations (Gloria Maria)
- add png icons to technology, incubation and materials pages (Gloria Maria)
- updates text/icons on technology, materials and incubation page (Gloria Maria)
- update texts from en/pt-BR content.json files (Gloria Maria)
- update logos/text (Gloria Maria)
- add new logos (Gloria Maria)
- update materials cover (Gloria Maria)
- update doing/victories carousel on the mobilizations page (Gloria Maria)
- add campaigns on the incubation page (Gloria Maria)
- update incubation cover (Gloria Maria)
Bug Fixes
- fix team responsiveness (Gloria Maria)
- fix team texts (Gloria Maria)
- fix lateral spacing of the timeline in the mobile version (Gloria Maria)
- foundations block marginTop on mobile page (Gloria Maria)
- add donation button on the mobile page (Gloria Maria)
- remove audit link (Gloria Maria)
- fix team in the mobile version (Gloria Maria)
- replace svg logo with png (Gloria Maria)
- fix menu mobile (Gloria Maria)
- fix donation form spacing (Gloria Maria)
- fix spacing in team description/name (Gloria Maria)
- fix spacing in team texts on about page (Gloria Maria)
- fix Section component spacing (Gloria Maria)
- home and materials page (Igor Santos)
- fix home cover title (Gloria Maria)
- update mais-do-que-palmas link (Gloria Maria)
- fix icon alignment (Gloria Maria)
- fix texts on incubations page (Gloria Maria)
- fix position name on about page (Gloria Maria)
- spacing in WorkWithUs page (Igor Santos)
- spacing Incubations page (Igor Santos)
- space components in row to About and Trainings (Igor Santos)
- header box in Treinamentos e Trabalhe conosco (Igor Santos)
- Hero mixBlend style (Igor Santos)
- change render error message in Donation (Igor Santos)
- fix responsiveness in the titles of the teams on the about page (Gloria Maria)
- fix responsiveness in the teams on the about page (Gloria Maria)
- fix fontFamily of donation modal (Gloria Maria)
- fix marginTop of donation modal (Gloria Maria)
- refactor code and fix button (Gloria Maria)
- fix title formatting (Gloria Maria)
- fix Hero component (Gloria Maria)
- fix mobilizations links (Gloria Maria)
- social media in menu mobile (Igor Santos)
- add validations in Newsletter Form (Igor Santos)
- Panel default link 'Saiba mais +' (Igor Santos)
- Hero arrow down (Igor Santos)
- fix texts on the work page (Gloria Maria)
- fix UMI logo and link (Gloria Maria)
- fix texts about the team (Gloria Maria)
- timeline texts and spacing About page (Igor Santos)
- mobile styles to About page (Igor Santos)
- fix Question component bug (Gloria Maria)
- update title formatting on the work-with-us page (Gloria Maria)
- timeline responsive (Igor Santos)
- Button spacing size (Igor Santos)
- Accordion mobile version (Igor Santos)
- update Carousel in Technologies page (Igor Santos)
- impact numbers (Igor Santos)
- donation drawer styles (Igor Santos)
- details team member (Igor Santos)
- timeline hidden duplicate years (Igor Santos)
- url to trainings in home page (Igor Santos)
- links to navigation footer and navbar (Igor Santos)
- fix mobilizations links on mobilizations page (Gloria Maria)
- fix '4g para estudar' campaign text on timeline (Gloria Maria)
- add pt-br static text in Work-with-us page (Gloria Maria)
- add pt-br static text in Technologies page (Gloria Maria)
- add pt-br static text in Mobilizations page (Gloria Maria)
- responsive resize Image Panel in Carousel (Igor Santos)
- build errors (Igor Santos)
- update campaign field (Gloria Maria)
- home Junte-se a nos (Igor Santos)
- title and close button in accordion (Igor Santos)
- change border line in Heading tag to png (Igor Santos)
- change footer mobile render (Igor Santos)
- render Panel when mobile in SSR (Igor Santos)
- image text link in home (Igor Santos)
- remove duplicate word in technologies page (Igor Santos)
- target about link in home (Igor Santos)
- donation button (Igor Santos)
- trainings link (Igor Santos)
- add generic erro to request failed in forms (Igor Santos)
- responsive HOme (Igor Santos)
- add more breakpoints to resize Carousel image (Igor Santos)
- change layout Carousel when resize screen (Igor Santos)
- position training content in mobile (Igor Santos)
- revision 4 (Igor Santos)
- local fonts load (Igor Santos)
- images to ssr and boxSize (Igor Santos)
- image carousel to boxSizing (Igor Santos)
- finish donation drawer (Igor Santos)
- links footer (Igor Santos)
- styles and content (Igor Santos)
- technologies styles (Igor Santos)
- styles part 1 (Igor Santos)
- menu text (Igor Santos)
- footer media links (Igor Santos)
- timeline always carousel use (Igor Santos)
- panel slider and link technologies (Igor Santos)
- revision 03 (Igor Santos)
- image on carousel image text (Igor Santos)
- remove unused import on Hero (Igor Santos)
- menu mobile background (Igor Santos)
- props to build ci (Igor Santos)
- carousel height (Igor Santos)
- navbar (Igor Santos)
- navbar resize (Igor Santos)
- change slider panel to use carousel (Igor Santos)
- inputs hover and focus (Igor Santos)
- tabs on donation form (Igor Santos)
- donation form (Igor Santos)
- media and newsletter (Igor Santos)
- styles theme button and links (Igor Santos)
- section props to build (Igor Santos)
- build types (Igor Santos)
- change device detect library to use ssr (Igor Santos)
- change slider panel to mobile (Igor Santos)
- home styles mobile (Igor Santos)
- align texts in mobile version (Igor Santos)
- Slider mobile (Igor Santos)
- SocialMedia reusable (Igor Santos)
- Newsletter reusable (Igor Santos)
- reorganize i18n to reuse translates (Igor Santos)
- add header on mobile menu open (Igor Santos)
- add pt-br static text in Trainings Page (Igor Santos)
Code Refactoring
- separete components (Gloria Maria)
- remove comments (Gloria Maria)
- delete + (Gloria Maria)
- formatting (Gloria Maria)
- fixing mobile bug (Gloria Maria)
- add variables (jenkins-x-bot)
- add .editorconfig file (Gloria Maria)
- update donation drawer and timeline images (Igor Santos)
- add missing package; (Lucas Pirola)
- update Materials page (Igor Santos)
- fix tranings and technologies page (Igor Santos)
- add alert to configure newsletter (Igor Santos)
- update Incubations page (Igor Santos)
- add links in foundations (Igor Santos)
- update Timeline in about page (Igor Santos)
- update text about (Igor Santos)
- update home and about covers (Igor Santos)
- change size link in panel when mobile (Igor Santos)
- update video technologies (Igor Santos)
- add vertical line in timeline items (Igor Santos)
- change texts (Igor Santos)
- add image auto crop via external service (Lucas Pirola)
- add favicon (Igor Santos)
- add validators to subscribeform (Igor Santos)
- update incubations carousel (Igor Santos)
- removing link (Gloria Maria)
- updating content.json (Gloria Maria)
- adjusts to new content (Igor Santos)
- reuse components (Igor Santos)
- add content components (Igor Santos)
- remove unused libraries (Igor Santos)
- add brand in donation form (Igor Santos)
- add i18n to donation (Igor Santos)
- add drawer donation with stripe (Igor Santos)
- fix next build (Lucas Pirola)
- Move to npm (Lucas Pirola)
- mount home page (Igor Santos)
- update navbar mobile (Igor Santos)
- lint: adds eslint, prettier and lint-staged (Viviane Dias)
Other Changes
These commits did not use Conventional Commits formatted messages:
- refactor (Gloria Maria)
- Update icons on the Incubations page (Gloria Maria)
- Update ImageTextList component and icons on the Materials page (Gloria Maria)
- Update ImageTextList component and icons on the incubations page (Gloria Maria)
- refactor (Gloria Maria)
- add png of new mobilizations (Gloria Maria)