New Features
Added bounties to collect when killing actors.
Added return value to BeginConstruction and BeginConstructionByIndex.
Added OnConstructionFailed event for builders.
Added range indicators, e.g. for building cursors.
Added Damage, NoFog and Weak cheats.
Added initial health property for construction sites.
Added containable component for storing which actor an actor is contained by.
Added container type gameplay tags for allowing multiple types of containers.
Added actor death types, e.g. for playing death animations before destroying actors.
Added health regeneration.
Added having damaged damaged units blink on the minimap.
Added ballistic trajectories for projectiles.
Added area of effect damage.
Added random projectile target locations.
Added resource display names, icons and colors.
Added setters to name, description, and portrait components.
Added selection priorities.
Added hover events for selectable actors.
Added hiding actors covered by fog of war.
Significantly improved network performance by entirely simulating projectiles on client side.
Bug Fixes
Correctly initializing current actor health from maximum health.
Passing owning player as instigator for attacks, instead of the attacking pawn.
Using correct attack index when attacking as actor with multiple attacks.
Unloading all actors from killed containers.
Killing the constructed actor instead of destroying it when canceling a construction, if possible (allowing it to show destruction effects).
Correctly removing selection decals when selected actors are destroyed.
Correctly raising OnHealthChanged events on clients.
Preventing crash when calling IsSameTeamAsController without valid controller.
No longer showing hidden actors on minimap.
You can’t perform that action at this time.