Here is my attempt at adopting the wonderful Catppuccin Mocha color scheme as much as possible into my Archlinux environment. Precisely, I integrate it into the configs of the tools I use, and then the environment is easily deployed with stow ( Tools I use:
- i3wm
- polybar
- rofi
- kitty
- vim
- bat
- dunst
- networkmanager_dmenu
- zsh
- zsh p10k theme (
sudo pacman -S i3 stow kitty rofi polybar zsh vim dunst sddm qt6-svg qt6-declarative zsh-autosuggestions zsh-syntax-highlighting
sudo yay -S oh-my-zsh-git vundle networkmanager-dmenu-git
Fonts (I took it from
- Iosevka Nerd Font
- Icomoon Feather
- Material Icons
- Waffle (Siji)
Clone the repo:
cd ~
git clone [email protected]:nromashchenko/dotfiles.git
Now, we stow the folders into your home directory. That is, the content of the git repository is symlinked into $HOME/.config/MODULE for every MODULE you pass to stow:
cd dotfiles
stow dunst i3 i3 kitty networkmanager_dmenu polybar rofi vim X zsh
If you already have config files for a certain module, stow will complain about it. Delete it or move it somewhere else.
Now, configure the tools that have configs outside of your home folder.
- SDDM as described here
- GRUB as here
- JupyterLab as here
A few places in configs are tuned to my preferences and/or my hardware. You probably want to adapt the following files for yourself:
- i3 keybindings (.config/i3/config)
- polybar modules (.config/polybar/forest for config.ini, modules.ini, user_modules.ini)
- zsh config (.zshrc)
My dotfiles are based on:
- (forest theme)
- HyDE Hyprdots (
- Relevant repositories of Catppuccin contributors (