Quality, Assembly, Identification, Sequence type, Annotation, Resistance mechanisms for Hospital acquired infections (QuAISAR-H) is a mash-up of many publicly available tools with a splash of custom scripts with the purpose of producing a multi-layered quality checked report that identifies the taxonomy of and the Anti-microbial Resistance (AMR) elements from a paired end sequenced bacterial isolate. This version uses containers to ease the necessity of having many preinstalled tools.
Dependencies - cURL, Singularity 3.7.2 and Go.
Installation instructions for Singularity and go can be found at https://sylabs.io/guides/3.7/user-guide/quick_start.html#quick-installation-steps or https://github.com/jiangweiyao/Installing_Singularity#installing_singularity
cURL can be installed by 'sudo apt-get install curl' or 'sudo yum install curl'
The script will install miniconda, if there is no version of conda already installed. It will then install an environment that contains Python3.6. When the pipeline is run it will activate the environment and will deactivate it when complete.
To install
A. Clone repository
B. Navigate into the installation folder of the repository
C. Run the instllation.sh script with the following parameters
1.(-i) location of where to put the scripts to run the pipeline (installation directory)
2.(-d) location of where to put the databases needed to run the pipeline (3.6 Gbs)
3.(-w) location of where you expect to keep the output of the pipeline. This will be a folder that houses all runs (each within its own folder)
There is a config.sh file within the script folder that has many configurable options
The first section is system specific that gives the locations of where to find the scripts, databases, and output folders. These were set up during installation, but can be altered if desired. The installation program also attempted to learn the available number of processors to make sure the pipeline can run as quickly as possible. There are a large number of run-time options used by many tools that are defined within this file. The values of these options are the defaults used by the authors, however they may be adjusted to suit the problem.
This script will run each isolate through the pipeline in a serial fashion. The QuAISAR-H pipeline takes a folder of paired end reads and outputs multiple reports to the designated folder.
Reads filenames need to have a postfix like one of these: _S*_L001_R*_00*.fastq[.gz], _S*_R*_0*X.fastq[.gz], _RX_00*.fastq[.gz], _[R]*.fastq[.gz]
To run the pipeline use the following command with these parameters:
A. ./quaisar_singularity.sh
1. -i full path to the folder of paired-end reads
2. -p run/set/project name for the set of reads being analyzed
3. (optional) -o output_path_where_to_put_the_run/set/project_folder (if different than what was set during installation with the -w flag)
Example: ./quaisar_singularity.sh -i /path/to/reads/folder -p run/set/project_name
1. A folder for each isolate's output files
2. .log - standard out and err of all tools are directed to this file as well as being shown on the terminal
3. _command.log - shows all singularity commands that were called during the run (and what the parameters were)
4. .sum - is a concatenated version of all the individual isolates pipeline_stats files
5. Seqlog_output.txt - A file that the authors use for run quality record keeping
6. config_*.sh - copy of the config file used during the run.
All Isolates -
1. 16s folder
2. ANI folder
3. Assembly folder
4. Assembly_Stats folder
5. BUSCO folder
6. c-sstar folder
7. FASTQs folder
8. GAMA folder
9. gottcha folder
10. kraken folder
11. MLST folder
12. plasmidFinder folder
13. preQCcounts folder
14. prokka folder
15. removedAdapters folder
16. srst2 folder
17. trimmed
18. _pipeline_stats.txt - summary and status of all steps performed in the pipeline
19. .tax - determined taxonomy of isolate
20. _time_summary.txt - estimate of length to complete each task
Tool | Function | Version | command | command 2 | Notes |
BBDuk | Remove PhiX reads | BBMap(38.94) | bbduk.sh - Xmx20g threads=4 in=raw_R1.fastq in2=raw_R2.fastq out=noPhiX_R1.fsq out2=noPhiX_R2.fsq ref=phiX_adapter.fasta k=31 hdist=1 | ||
FastP | Remove illumina adapters and filter by quality | 0.23.1 | fastp -w 4 -i trimmed-noPhiX-R1.fsq -I trimmed-noPhiX-R2.fsq -o trimmed_R1_001.paired.fq --unpaired1 trimmed.single1.fq -O trimmed_R2_001.paired.fq --unpaired2 trimmed.single2.fq --adapter_fasta adapters.fasta -r --cut_right_window_size 20 --cut_right_mean_quality 30 -l 50 -g -5 20 -3 20 SLIDINGWINDOW:20:30 LEADING:20 TRAILING:20 MINLEN:50 | ||
Kraken | Taxonomic Identification/Contamination Detection | 1.1.1 | Reads: kraken --paired --db kraken_mini_db_location --preload --fastq-input --threads 4 --output sample_name.kraken --classified-out sample_name.classified trimmed_R1_001.paired.fq trimmed_R2_001.paired.fq | Assembly: kraken --db kraken_mini_db_location --preload --threads 4 --output sample_name.kraken --classified-out sample_name.classified trimmed_assembly.fasta | |
SPAdes | Assembly | 3.15.3 | spades.py --careful --memory 32 --only-assembler --pe1-1 trimmed_R1_001.paired.fq --pe1-2 trimmed_R2_001.paired.fq --pe1-s trimmed.single.fq" -o output_directory --phred-offset 33 -t 12 | ||
QUAST | Assembly Quality | 5.0.2 | Quast.py -o output_directory trimmed_assembly.fasta | ||
Prokka | Annotation | 1.14.6 | prokka --outdir output_directory trimmed_assembly.fasta | ||
BUSCO | Determine quality of assembly and identification | 3.0.2 | run_BUSCO.py -i prokka_output_directory/sample_name.faa -o sample_name -l location_of_database -m prot | · Proper database is determined by matching lowest matching taxonomy to available databases | |
pyANI | Taxonomic Identification | 0.2.11 | average_nucleotide_identity.py -i directory_of_fastas -o output_directory --write_excel | · Directory of fastas contain the 20 closest genera matches based on mashtree distances | |
c-SSTAR | Anti-microbial Resistance Mechanism identification on Assembly | 1.1.01 | python3 c-SSTAR_gapped.py -g trimmed_assembly.fasta -s 98 -d AR_database_location > sample_name.gapped_98.sstar | ||
GAMMA | Anti-microbial Resistance Mechanism identification on Assembly | 1.4 | python3 GAMMA.py trimmed_assembly.fasta AR_database_location output_gama | ||
SRST2 | Anti-microbial Resistance Mechanism Identification on reads, Sequence Typing | 0.2.0 | AR: SRST2--input_pe trimmed_R1.fastq.gz trimmed_R2_001.fastq.gz --output output_directory –threads 4 --gene_db AR_datbase_location | MLST: SRST2--input_pe trimmed_R1.fastq.gz trimmed_R2_001.fastq.gz --output output_directory –threads 4 --mlst_db location_of_mlst_database --mlst_definitions location_of_MLST_definitions --mlst_delimiter MLST_definitions_file_delimiter | · Newest MLST database and definitions are downloaded as part of the script. The mlst delimiter is determined using an included script within the SRST2, getmlst, that must be run prior to SRST2 |
MLST | Sequence Typing | 2.19.0 | mlst trimmed_assembly.fasta > sample_name.mlst | mlst --scheme database_name trimmed_assembly.fasta > sample_name_database_name.mlst | |
Barrnap | Taxonomic Identification | 0.9 | barrnap --kingdom bac --threads 4 trimmed_assembly.fasta > rRNA_seqs.fasta | ||
plasmidFinder | Anti-microbial Resistance Mechanism Identification on plasmid replicons | 2.1.1 | plasmidfinder -i trimmed_assembly.fasta -o output_directory -k 95.00 -p enterobacteriaceae | gram_positive | |
bowtie2 | read aligner | 2.2.9 | bowtie2-build -f plasFlow_results.tsv_chromosomes.fasta bowtie2_sample_name_chr | bowtie2 -x sample_name_chr -1 R1_001.paired.fq -2 R2_001.paired.fq -S sample_name.sam -p 12 --local | |
samtools | sam converter | 1.14 | samtools view -bS sample_name.sam > sample_name.bam | sort -n sample_name.bam -o sample_name.bam.sorted | |
bedtools | bam converter | 2.30.0 | bamToFastq -i sample_name.bam.sorted -fq sample_name_R1_bacterial.fastq -fq2 sample_name__R2_bacterial.fastq |
##Flag table of output summaries
Time | -time_summary.txt missing | ||
FASTQs[R1-R2] | -Only one read file found | -No read files found or empty | |
QC counts | -<1,000,000 reads | -No sample_counts.txt found | |
Q30_R1% | -<90% | -No sample_counts.txt found | |
Q30_R2% | -<70% | -No sample_counts.txt found | |
BBDUK=PhiX[R1-R2] | -No reads removed | -More phix reads found than raw reads or no removedAdapters folder found | |
Trimming | -Only one trimmed read file found | No trimmed reads files found | |
QC count after trim | -<500,000 reads | -No trimmed_sample_counts.txt found | |
kraken preassembly | -.kraken(.gz) missing | ||
krona-kraken-preasmb | -.krona or .html missing | ||
Pre classfify | -unclassified reads >30% | -no classified reads or kraken_summary_paired.txt missing | |
pre Class Contam. | -More than one species found above 25% threshold | -No species found above 25% | |
Assembly | -scaffolds.fasta is missing | ||
Contig Trim | ->200 contigs remain | -scaffolds_trimmed.fasta missing | |
kraken postassembly | -.kraken(.gz) missing | ||
krona-kraken-pstasmb | -.krona or .html missing | ||
post Classify | -unclassified reads >30% or no single species >50% | -no classified reads or kraken_summary_assembled.txt missing | |
post Clas Contam. | -More than one species found above 25% threshold | -No species found above 25% | |
kraken weighted | -.kraken missing | ||
krona-kraken-weight | -.krona or .html missing -kraken preassembly failed | ||
weighted Classify | -unclassified reads >30% | ||
weighted Contam. | -More than one species found above 25% threshold or no species found above 25% | ||
QUAST | report.tsv missing | ||
Taxa | No species was determined | ||
Assembly ratio | -if taxonomy is not in DB | -ratio >1.2x or <.8x | |
Raw coverage | -Coverage >90x | -<40x | |
Trimmed coverage | -Coverage >90x | -<40x | |
prokka | -prokka.gbf missing | ||
BUSCO | -<90% gene count match or -summary file not found | ||
ANI_REFSEQ | REFSEQ database date is not current | -<95% match, <70% coverage,best_hits file or ANI folder missing | |
c-SSTAR | -NO known AMR genes present,database is not current | -summary.txt or c-sstar folder missing | |
GAMA | -NO known AMR genes present,database is not current | .GAMA or GAMA folder missing | |
SRST2 | GAMA | -NO known AMR genes present,database is not current | |
MLST | -No scheme found for taxa | -Type does not exist | -.mlst,1+ allele is missing,taxa not defined |
MLST-srst2 | -No scheme found for taxa, more than 2 srst2 files found, more than 1 srst2 file found for non A.Baum or E.coli | -Type does not exist | -.mlst,1+ allele is missing,taxa not defined |
16s_best_hit | -species not found | -Genus not found, 16s_blast_id.txt missing,No reads found,Unclassifiable reads found | |
16s_largest_hit | -species not found | -Genus not found, 16s_blast_id.txt missing,No reads found,Unclassifiable reads found | |
plasmidFinder | -results_table_summary.txt missing,plasmidFinder folder missing |