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Betriebsstellen oPoint Fields Description
Acronyms and Explanations for the values returned from Deutsche Bahn's Betriebsstellen API. The values contained within brackets are the values given by Deutsche Bahn, and the value beforehand is the one used by the deutschebahnpy wrapper.
ril100 [Abk, Abbrev]: Identifier according toDeutsche Bahn's Richtlinie 100.0001 guideline. For example: KDFF.
Description and format of the codes
The code is set up as follows:
where X denotes the Bundesbahndirektion (BD) in West Germany or Reichsbahndirektion (Rbd) in East Germany and prior to 1949, and YYYY is the code of the station itself, which can be up to four letters. Together with the Direktionen letter (X or Z) the first letter is also the country code for foreign destinations (see below). Although some of the Direktionen have been merged into others, changed, or otherwise remodeled, their old codes remained in place. For example, most of the Northern areas of Germany still have the BD code A for Altona (now a part of Hamburg), even though the BD Altona has long been out of existence. Further information can be added by an extra letter Z after the station identifier, for example HB is the code for Bremen Hauptbahnhof, (BD Hanover (H), station code B) whilst HB X is the code for the Bremen maintenance works, which are considered a subdivision of Bremen Hauptbahnhof and hence do not have their own code. Special codes are also used to identify border points, special tariff points for ships et cetera.
- A – Altona (Hamburg)
- B – Berlin
- D – Dresden
- E – Essen
- F – Frankfurt
- H – Hannover
- K – Köln
- L – Halle (Saale)
- M – München
- N – Nürnberg
- R – Karlsruhe
- S – Saarbrücken
- T – Stuttgart
- U – Erfurt
- W – Schwerin
- X – Codes actually assigned for international destinations west of Germany, but used for eastern European destinations too
- Z – Codes actually assigned for international destinations east of Germany
Letters C, G, I, J, O, P, Q, V and Y are assigned for facilities of DB Energie (e.g. filling stations) and DB Netz (e.g. changes of VzG lines) or other foreign locations for planning purposes.[1]
Country codes
- XA – Austria
- XB – Belgium
- XC – Russia
- XD – Denmark
- XE – Spain
- XF – France
- XG – Greece
- XH – Finland
- XI – Italy
- XJ – Serbia
- XK – United Kingdom
- XL – Luxembourg
- XM – Hungary
- XN – Netherlands
- XO – Norway
- XP – Poland
- XQ – Turkey
- XR – Croatia
- XS – Switzerland
- XT – Czech Republic
- XU – Romania
- XV – Sweden
- XW – Bulgaria
- XX – Portugal
- XY – Slovakia
- XZ – Slovenia
- ZA – Macedonia
- ZB – Bosnia and Herzegovina
- ZE – Estonia
- ZI – Ireland
- ZK – Kazakhstan
- ZL – Lithuania
- ZM – Moldova
- ZT – Latvia
- ZU – Ukraine
- ZW – Belarus
Source: wikipedia
fullname [name]: Full name of the station. For example: Düsseldorf Flughafen.
Not always same for the same stations, sometimes the full name will include the city name in the beginning
shortname [short, kurzname]: Short name of the station. For example: D Flughafen.
type [Typ]: Type of railway station. For example: Bf
List of railway station acronyms
Bf – Bahnhof (railway station), defined as a place where trains may start, terminate, stop, overtake, meet or change directions, and that has at least one set of points. It can be additionally named after its purpose:
- Hbf – Hauptbahnhof, the main or central station of a town or city. Also the only abbreviation commonly found on station timetables and signs.
- Pbf – Personenbahnhof (passenger station), usually used to differentiate in places that have several types of stations, but only one passenger station.
- Fbf – Fernbahnhof (long distance station)
- Gbf – Güterbahnhof (freight station)
- Bbf – Betriebsbahnhof, a station only for operational tasks like train overtakes.
- Rbf – Rangierbahnhof (marshalling yard)
- Ubf – Umschlagbahnhof (transshipment station)
- Werkbf – Werkbahnhof, a station serving a power plant.
- Postbf – Postbahnhof (mail station)
- Bft – Bahnhofsteil (part of a station), used when a station consists of distinct facilities, for example a Pbf and a Gbf.
- Abzw – Abzweigstelle (a junction without platforms)
- Üst – Überleitstelle (crossover)
- Anst – Anschlussstelle (industrial siding outside station limits), trains using the Anschlussstelle must not be passed by trains running on the main line.
- Awanst – Ausweichanschlussstelle (refuge siding), an industrial siding outside station limits where trains can run on the main line while another train is shunting at the Ausweichanschlussstelle, in contrast to an Anschlussstelle.
- Hst – Haltestelle, the term for a Haltepunkt (see below) at the same location as an Abzweigstelle, Überleitstelle or Anschlussstelle/Ausweichanschlussstelle.
- Ldst – Ladestelle, a simplified freight station used to transship goods, nowadays mostly part of a station or categorized as Awanst.
- Hp – Haltepunkt (halt), a passenger stop that does not fit the requirements to be a Bahnhof. Defined as a place where trains can stop, start or terminate, but which has no sets of points in the vicinity.
- Bk – Blockstelle (block post), a signal box outside station limits, where there is a long distance between stations and/or junctions/crossovers, with just one signal in each direction, to allow more trains following each other (only called Bk if it is staffed, otherwise it is called Sbk – selbsttätige Blockstelle/Selbstblockstelle (self-block post)).
- Dkst – Deckungsstelle, a signal box outside station limits which protects rail operation at danger spots like moveable bridges with its signals.
- Bush – Bushaltestelle (bus stop)
- Bw – Bahnbetriebswerk (depot)
- Gp – Grenzpunkt, border to another railway infrastructure manager (domestic and foreign).
- Schstr – Schutzstrecke, neutral section in an overhead line to separate two electrical supplies.
- Slst – Schiffslandestelle (ship dock)
- Strw – Streckenwechsel, change of VzG line.
- Uw – Unterwerk (traction substation)
- Werk/Aw – Ausbesserungswerk (repair shop)
Source: wikipedia
status [Betr-Zust]: Status of the station, ex: "in use", "formerly", "planned" ..
Note: This is an optional argument. It is not always returned by the Betriebsstellen API.
primaryCode [locationCode, Location Primary Code]: Unique railway station code within Europe.
This is only assigned to timetable relevant stations. Even if code is used outside of Germany, it appears that that this code is only shown for stations on the DB Netz AG lines. See page 8 and 9
This code is comprised of 7 charachters, with the first two containing the ISO 3166 Country Code (e.g DE = Germany) The next five characters are non-significant digits (called LocationPrimaryCode) to identify the location. Leading zero is not used. This code is unique per country and each physical location shall only have one LocationPrimaryCode See page 55 and 56
uic_rics_code [UIC]: UIC numeric code for railway companies (RICS Code). For example: 0080 (DB Netz AG).
region [RB]: Regional network area (Only for DB Netz AG locations). For example 3
This is sometimes null.
Operating Regions:
- 1: RB Ost
- 2: RB Südost
- 3: RB Nord
- 4: RB West
- 5: RB Mitte
- 6: RB Südwest
- 7: RB Süd
I can't confirm if this is correct.
validFrom [gültig von]: valid from date in format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS. For example 2008-12-14T00:00:00.000Z
validTill [gültig bis]: valid until date in format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS. For example null (Station has no planned invalidity)
uic_station_id [id, Netz-Key]: UIC station ID, without the country code.
For example, id field returns 399048. The UIC code would just be a combination of "UIC" field and the forementioned id, in this case, 0080399048
timeTableRelevant [Fpl-rel]: bool, true if the station is timetable-relevant. For example: true
borderStaton [Fpl-Gr]: bool, true if the station is a border station. For example: false See page 10
oPoint functions (opt.py)
- oPoint Acronyms Explanation
- get_oPoints_by_name
- get_oPoint_by_ril100
Station Data functions (StaDa.py)
- get_stations
- get_Stations_for_oPoints