Welcome to pushjet
, Python's Pushjet (see the server on GitHub) API. Pushjet lets you push notifications directly to your phone (among other things)! This module lets you do that pushing from Python! It's pretty sweet - it lets you do all sorts of cool things, like integrating notifications into your web app or notifying you when something goes on sale.
And yep, the module's just named pushjet
. Spiffy name, and surely not at all confusing. Probably. Hopefully. Maybe.
The module is on GitHub, and it's also on PyPI! That means you can install it using pip. Simply run the following to install it:
> pip install pushjet
Bam, you're ready to go. It's compatible with both Python 2 and 3, too - nice, huh?
See the Getting started section of the documentation. Here's a little taste:
import pushjet
import uuid
service = pushjet.Service.create(
"Open courses", # Name
"http://example.com/university_icon.png" # Icon URL
device = pushjet.Device(uuid.uuid4())
"A spot is open for you in the competitive eating course!", # Message
"Course open", # Title
"http://example.com/courses/eating/competitive" # Link
for message in device.get_messages():
print message.title
print message.message
print message.link
For information on all the properties of the classes, and on how to use custom API instances, once again see the documentation.
If there's a feature you're missing or a bug you've found in pushjet
, open an issue on GitHub. If you've got a question - or there's anything you'd like to talk about at all, really - you can reach me via:
I usually answer much faster on Twitter. Thaaaat... should be all. I think. Unless I've forgotten something, which I don't think I have. I never think I have, though, and then sometimes I still have. Let's hope I haven't this time.