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Missing functions from Gospel Stdlib in [gospel.mlw] #4

wants to merge 12 commits into
base: main
Choose a base branch
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion dune-project
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
(lang dune 2.4)
(lang dune 2.7)
(name why3gospel)
(implicit_transitive_deps false)
(cram enable)
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
(name why3gospel)
(modes plugin)
(libraries ocaml-compiler-libs.shadow ppxlib.astlib ppxlib why3 gospel)
(embed_in_plugin_libraries compiler-libs.common sexplib0 ppxlib.stdppx
ppxlib.astlib ppxlib.ast ppxlib fmt gospel))
(embed_in_plugin_libraries compiler-libs.common ppxlib.stdppx ppxlib.astlib
ppxlib.ast ppxlib fmt gospel))

(section lib_root)
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291 changes: 265 additions & 26 deletions src/gospel.mlw
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,36 +25,23 @@ module Stdlib

scope Seq
use export seq.Seq

type t 'a = seq 'a

function init (i: int) (f: int -> 'a) : seq 'a = create i f

use export seq.OfList
type seq 'a = Seq.seq 'a

function (++) (s t: seq 'a) : seq 'a = Seq.(++) s t
function ([]) (s: seq 'a) (i:integer): 'a = Seq.([]) s i
function ([..]) (s: seq 'a) (i1 i2: int): seq 'a = Seq.([..]) s i1 i2
function ([.._]) (s: seq 'a) (i: int): seq 'a = Seq.([.._]) s i
function ([_..]) (s: seq 'a) (i: int): seq 'a = Seq.([_..]) s i

scope Bag
use export bag.Bag
type bag 'a = Bag.bag 'a
function ([]) (s: seq 'a) (i: integer): 'a = Seq.([]) s i
function ([..]) (s: seq 'a) (i1 i2: integer): seq 'a = Seq.([..]) s i1 i2
function ([.._]) (s: seq 'a) (i: integer): seq 'a = Seq.([.._]) s i
function ([_..]) (s: seq 'a) (i: integer): seq 'a = Seq.([_..]) s i

use export ref.Ref

scope Array
use export mach.array.Array63
function get (a : array 'a) (i: int) : 'a = a[i]

use mach.array.Array63Permut as P

predicate permut (a1 a2: array 'a) = P.permut_all a1 a2
predicate permut_sub (a1 a2: array 'a) (l u: int) = P.permut_sub a1 a2 l u
type array 'a = Array.array 'a

scope Set
use import set.Fset as FS

Expand All @@ -72,22 +59,273 @@ module Stdlib
type set 'a = Set.FS.fset 'a

scope List

use export list.Length
use export list.HdTlNoOpt
use list.NthNoOpt as LNth
use list.Nth as LNthOpt
use export list.Reverse
use list.Mem as LMem
use seq.ToList as SL
use list.FoldLeft as LFoldl
use list.FoldRight as LFoldr
use list.Quant as LQuant

type t 'a = list 'a

function nth (l: t 'a) (i: integer) : 'a = LNth.nth i l
function nth_opt (l: t 'a) (i: integer) : option 'a = LNthOpt.nth i l

function rev (l: t 'a) : t 'a = reverse l

(* the list [f i; f (i+1); ...; f (i+n-1)] *)
let rec function init_aux (i n: integer) (f: integer -> 'a) : t 'a
variant { n }
= if n <= 0 then Nil else Cons (f i) (init_aux (i + 1) (n - 1) f)

function init (n: integer) (f: integer -> 'a) : t 'a =
init_aux 0 n f

function map (f: 'a -> 'b) (l: t 'a) : t 'b =
match l with
| Nil -> Nil
| Cons x r -> Cons (f x) (map f r)

function mapi_aux (i: integer) (f: integer -> 'a -> 'b) (l: list 'a) :
list 'b
= match l with
| Nil -> Nil
| Cons x r -> Cons (f i x) (mapi_aux (i + 1) f r)

function mapi (f: integer -> 'a -> 'b) (l: t 'a) : t 'b =
mapi_aux 0 f l

function fold_left (f: 'a -> 'b -> 'a) (init: 'a) (l: t 'b) : 'a =
LFoldl.fold_left f init l

function fold_right (f: 'b -> 'a -> 'a) (l: t 'b) (init: 'a) : 'a =
LFoldr.fold_right f l init

let rec function map2 (f: 'a -> 'b -> 'c) (l: t 'a) (l': t 'b) : t 'c
requires { length l = length l' }
variant { l }
= match l, l' with
| Nil, Nil -> Nil
| Cons a1 l1, Cons a2 l2 -> Cons (f a1 a2) (map2 f l1 l2)
| _ -> absurd

predicate for_all (f: 'a -> bool) (l: t 'a) =
LQuant.for_all f l

predicate _exists (f: 'a -> bool) (l: t 'a) =
LQuant.for_some f l

(* Cannot use [let predicate] because of the [absurd] case *)
(* FIXME? Should we provide post-conditions to the following functions ? *)
let rec function for_all2 (f: 'a -> 'b -> bool) (l: t 'a) (l': t 'b) : bool
requires { length l = length l' }
variant { l }
= match l, l' with
| Nil, Nil -> true
| Cons a1 l1, Cons a2 l2 -> f a1 a2 && for_all2 f l1 l2
| _ -> absurd

let rec function _exists2 (f: 'a -> 'b -> bool) (l: t 'a) (l': t 'b) : bool
requires { length l = length l' }
variant { l }
= match l, l' with
| Nil, Nil -> false
| Cons a1 l1, Cons a2 l2 -> f a1 a2 || _exists2 f l1 l2
| _ -> absurd

predicate mem (x: 'a) (l: t 'a) = LMem.mem x l

function to_seq (l: t 'a) : seq 'a = Seq.of_list l

function of_seq (l: seq 'a) : t 'a = SL.to_list l


scope Bag
use bag.Bag as B

type t 'a = B.bag 'a

function occurrences (x: 'a) (b: t 'a): integer =
B.nb_occ x b

(*@ function compare (b b': 'a t) : int *)

function empty : t 'a = B.empty_bag

predicate is_empty (b: t 'a) = b = empty

predicate mem (x: 'a) (b: t 'a) = B.mem x b

function add (x: 'a) (b: t 'a) : t 'a = B.add x b

function singleton (x: 'a) : t 'a = B.singleton x

function remove (x: 'a) (b: t 'a) : t 'a =
B.diff b (B.singleton x)

function union (b b': t 'a) : t 'a

axiom def_union:
forall x: 'a, b b': t 'a.
occurrences x (union b b') = max (occurrences x b) (occurrences x b')

function sum (b b': t 'a) : t 'a =
B.union b b'

function inter (b b': t 'a) : t 'a =
B.inter b b'

predicate disjoint (b b': t 'a) =
B.inter b b' = empty

function diff (b b': t 'a) : t 'a =
B.diff b b'

predicate subset (b b': t 'a) =
forall x. occurrences x b <= occurrences x b'

function choose (b: t 'a) : 'a =
B.choose b

function choose_opt (b: t 'a) : option 'a =
if b = empty then None else Some (choose b)

(* TODO give defs/axioms to the following *)
function map (f: 'a -> 'b) (b: t 'a) : t 'b

function fold (f: 'a -> 'b -> 'b) (b: t 'a) : 'b

predicate for_all (f: 'a -> bool) (b: t 'a)

predicate _exists (f: 'a -> bool) (b: t 'a)

function filter (f: 'a -> bool) (b: t 'a) : t 'a

function filter_map (f: 'a -> option 'a) (b: t 'a) : t 'a

function partition (f: 'a -> bool) (b: t 'a) : (t 'a, t 'a)

function cardinal (b: t 'a) : integer = B.card b

let rec ghost function to_list (b: t 'a) : list 'a
variant { cardinal b }
= if is_empty b then Nil
else let x = choose b in Cons x (to_list (remove x b))

function of_list (l: list 'a) : t 'a
= match l with Nil -> empty | Cons x l -> add x (of_list l) end

function to_seq (b: t 'a) : Seq.t 'a = Seq.of_list (to_list b)
function of_seq (s: Seq.t 'a) : t 'a = of_list (List.of_seq s)

type bag 'a = Bag.B.bag 'a

scope Array
use export mach.array.Array63

type t 'a = array 'a

function get (a: array 'a) (i: int) : 'a = a[i]

use mach.array.Array63Permut as P

function to_seq (a: array 'a) : seq 'a = a.elts

(*@ function make (n: integer) (x: 'a) : 'a t *)

(*@ function init (n: integer) (f: integer -> 'a) : 'a t *)

function append (a b: t 'a) : t 'a
axiom append_def:
forall a b: t 'a. to_seq (append a b) = to_seq a ++ to_seq b

(*@ function concat (a: 'a t list) : 'a t *)

function sub (a: t 'a) (i len: integer) : t 'a
axiom sub_def:
forall a: t 'a, i len. to_seq (sub a i len) = (to_seq a)[i..i+len]

(*@ function map (f: 'a -> 'b) (a: 'a t) : 'b t *)

(*@ function mapi (f: integer -> 'a -> 'b) (a: 'a t) : 'b t *)

(*@ function fold_left (f: 'a -> 'b -> 'a) (init: 'a) (a: 'b t) : 'a *)

(*@ function fold_right (f: 'b -> 'a -> 'a) (a: 'b t) (init: 'a) : 'a *)

(*@ function map2 (f: 'a -> 'b -> 'c) (a: 'a t) (b: 'b t) : 'c t *)

predicate for_all (f: 'a -> bool) (a: t 'a) =
forall i. 0 <= i < Seq.length a -> f a[i]

predicate _exists (f: 'a -> bool) (a: t 'a) =
exists i. 0 <= i < Seq.length a /\ f a[i]

(*@ predicate for_all2 (f: 'a -> 'b -> bool) (a: 'a t) (b: 'b t) *)

(*@ predicate _exists2 (f: 'a -> 'b -> bool) (a: 'a t) (b: 'b t) *)

(*@ predicate mem (x: 'a) (a: 'a t) *)

(*@ function to_list (a: 'a t) : 'a list *)
(*@ function of_list (l: 'a list) : 'a t *)

(*@ function of_seq (s: 'a Seq.t) : 'a t *)

(*@ function to_bag (a: 'a t) : 'a bag *)

predicate permut (a1 a2: array 'a) = P.permut_all a1 a2
predicate permut_sub (a1 a2: array 'a) (l u: int) = P.permut_sub a1 a2 l u

type array 'a = Array.array 'a

(* Arithmetic *)

use int.ComputerDivision
function (/) (x y: int) : int = div x y
function (/) (x y: integer) : integer = div x y

use int.Power as P
function pow (x y: int) : int = P.power x y
function pow (x y: integer) : integer = P.power x y

use as I
type int63 = I.int63
function integer_of_int (x: int63) : int = I.to_int x
function integer_of_int (x: int63) : integer = I.to_int x

let constant max_int : integer = I.max_int63
let constant min_int : integer = I.min_int63

function succ (x: integer) : integer = [@inline:trivial] x+1
function pred (x: integer) : integer = [@inline:trivial] x-1

use export int.Abs

let constant max_int : int = I.max_int63
let constant min_int : int = I.min_int63

function fst (x : ('a, 'b)) : 'a = let (f, _) = x in f
function snd (x : ('a, 'b)) : 'b = let (_, s) = x in s

(* TODO give defs/axioms to the following *)
function logand (x y: integer) : integer
function logor (x y: integer) : integer
function logxor (x y: integer) : integer
function lognot (x: integer) : integer
function shift_left (x y: integer) : integer
function shift_right (x y: integer) : integer
function shift_right_trunc (x y: integer) : integer

scope Order
predicate is_pre_order (cmp: 'a -> 'a -> int63) =
(forall x. cmp x x = 0) /\
Expand All @@ -103,6 +341,7 @@ module Stdlib
scope Map
use export map.Map


module Comparable
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26 changes: 14 additions & 12 deletions src/
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Expand Up @@ -326,7 +326,8 @@ let spec_with_checks info val_spec pre checks =

let spec info val_spec =
sp_pre = (fun t -> term info t) val_spec.T.sp_pre;
sp_pre = (fun t -> term info t) (val_spec.T.sp_pre @ val_spec.T.sp_checks);
sp_post = sp_post info val_spec.sp_ret val_spec.sp_post;
sp_xpost = sp_xpost info val_spec.sp_xpost;
sp_reads = [];
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -395,17 +396,18 @@ let val_decl info vd g =
match vd.T.vd_spec with
| None -> [ mk_val (mk_id vd_str) params ret pat mask empty_spec ]
| Some s -> (
match (s.sp_pre, s.sp_checks) with
| _, [] -> [ mk_val (mk_id vd_str) params ret pat mask (spec info s) ]
| pre, checks ->
let id_unsafe = mk_id ("unsafe_" ^ vd_str) in
let checks_term = (term info) checks in
let spec_checks = spec_with_checks info s pre checks_term in
mk_val id_unsafe params ret pat mask (spec info s);
mk_val (mk_id vd_str) params ret pat mask spec_checks;
| Some s ->
let unsafe_spec = spec info s in
if s.sp_checks = [] then
[ mk_val (mk_id vd_str) params ret pat mask unsafe_spec ]
let id_unsafe = mk_id ("unsafe_" ^ vd_str) in
let checks_term = (term info) s.sp_checks in
let spec_checks = spec_with_checks info s s.sp_pre checks_term in
mk_val id_unsafe params ret pat mask unsafe_spec;
mk_val (mk_id vd_str) params ret pat mask spec_checks;
let params, ret, pat, mask =
let params, pat, mask =
Expand Down