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Helpers for running Octue Twined services on GCP.


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This repository provides helpers for running Octue Twined services on GCP. Currently, it contains these cloud functions:

Terraform deployment

The cloud functions are automatically deployed and configured when the octue-twined-cluster Terraform module is used. They can also be manually deployed, but this isn't recommended.

Event handler cloud function

This function handles Octue Twined service events asynchronously, keeping a record of them and taking actions in response to some event kinds. One instance is spun up for each message published to the Pub/Sub topic it's subscribed to. Its process is:

  1. Extract an Octue Twined service event and attributes from the Pub/Sub message
  2. Store the event and attributes in a BigQuery table
  3. If the event is a question, dispatch it as a job to Kueue
  4. If the event is a cancellation, request cancellation of the given question


Deploy the cloud function using Terraform. All questions asked and events emitted by the Octue Twined framework in the same service network will be automatically handled from now on.


The following environment variables are required. Note that deploying with Terraform takes care of this for you.

Name Description
BIGQUERY_EVENTS_TABLE The full ID of the BigQuery table to store events in in <dataset-name>.<table-name> format
OCTUE_SERVICES_TOPIC_NAME The name of the Pub/Sub topic that events are published to in this Octue Twined service network.
KUBERNETES_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME The name of the Kubernetes service account to assign to the Kueue jobs
KUBERNETES_CLUSTER_ID The ID of the Kubernetes cluster in projects/<project-id>/locations/<region>/clusters/<cluster-name> format
KUEUE_LOCAL_QUEUE The name of the local queue that jobs are dispatched to by Kueue
ARTIFACT_REGISTRY_REPOSITORY_URL The URL of the artifact registry repository that service revision images are stored in in <region><project-id>/<repository-name> format
QUESTION_DEFAULT_CPUS The number of CPUs to request for each question by default
QUESTION_DEFAULT_MEMORY The amount of memory to request for each question by default e.g. 256Mi
QUESTION_DEFAULT_EPHEMERAL_STORAGE The amount of ephemeral storage to request for each question by default e.g. 1Gi

Service registry cloud function

This function acts as a registry of available service revisions. In response to an HTTP request, it can

  • Check if a service revision exists (i.e. if an image for it exists in the configured artifact registry repository)
  • Get the revision tag of the default revision of a service, if one exists. This works by looking for an image for the service with the default tag and returning a more specific tag for it (e.g. 1.0.5)


First, deploy the cloud function using Terraform.

In a Twined service

To get an Octue Twined service to automatically use the service registry, add its URL to the service_registries key in the service configuration (octue.yaml) file in your Twined service:

  - namespace: my-org
    name: my-service
      - name: <name-you-choose>
        endpoint: <url-of-deployed-cloud-function>

Anywhere else

Outside a Twined service, you can make HTTP GET requests to use the registry:

Check if a service revision exists

curl "<cloud-function-url>/my-org/my-service?revision_tag=0.1.0"
  • A 200 response indicates the service revision exists
  • A 404 response indicates it doesn't

Get the default revision tag of a service

curl "<cloud-function-url>/my-org/my-service"
  • A 200 response indicates there's a default service revision for the service. The body will be a JSON payload containing a revision_tag key
  • A 404 response indicates there isn't a default service revision for the service


The following environment variables are required. Note that deploying with Terraform takes care of this for you.

Name Description
ARTIFACT_REGISTRY_REPOSITORY_ID The full ID of the artifact registry repository that service revision images are stored in in projects/<project-id>/locations/<region>/repositories/<repository-name> format