The Mutect2Consensus workflow will process umiConsensus outputs for the tumour data through mutect2 in tumour only mode to call variants and annotation.
java -jar cromwell.jar run mutect2ConsensusTumorOnly.wdl --inputs inputs.json
Parameter | Value | Description |
tumorInputGroup |
InputGroup | partitioned bam files from umiConsensus outputs for tumor sample |
outputFileNamePrefix |
String | Prefix to use for output file |
intervalFile |
String | interval file to subset variant calls |
inputIntervalsToParalellizeBy |
String | intervals for parallelization |
tumorName |
String | Name of the tumor sample |
reference |
String | reference version |
combineVariants.workflows |
Array[String] | array of ids of producer workflows |
Parameter | Value | Default | Description |
Parameter | Value | Default | Description |
mutect2.filter_timeout |
Int | 12 | Hours before task timeout |
mutect2.filter_memory |
Int | 16 | Memory allocated for job |
mutect2.filter_filterExtraArgs |
String? | None | Extra arguments |
mutect2.mergeStats_timeout |
Int | 5 | Hours before task timeout |
mutect2.mergeStats_memory |
Int | 4 | Memory allocated for job |
mutect2.mergeStats_modules |
String | "gatk/" | Names and versions of modules to load |
mutect2.mergeVCFs_timeout |
Int | 12 | Hours before task timeout |
mutect2.mergeVCFs_memory |
Int | 4 | Memory allocated for job |
mutect2.runMutect2_timeout |
Int | 24 | Hours before task timeout |
mutect2.runMutect2_memory |
Int | 32 | Memory allocated for job |
mutect2.runMutect2_threads |
Int | 4 | Number of threads to request |
mutect2.runMutect2_mutect2ExtraArgs |
String? | None | Extra arguments |
mutect2.runMutect2_mutectTag |
String | "mutect2" | Tag |
mutect2.splitStringToArray_modules |
String | "" | Names and versions of modules to load |
mutect2.splitStringToArray_timeout |
Int | 1 | Hours before task timeout |
mutect2.splitStringToArray_memory |
Int | 1 | Memory allocated for job |
mutect2.splitStringToArray_lineSeparator |
String | "," | line separator |
mutect2.normalBam |
File? | None | Input normal file (bam or sam) |
mutect2.normalBai |
File? | None | Index file for normal bam |
mutect2.pon |
File? | None | pon |
mutect2.ponIdx |
File? | None | pon ID |
mutect2.gnomad |
File? | None | gnomad |
mutect2.gnomadIdx |
File? | None | gnomad ID |
getFileName.jobMemory |
Int | 4 | memory allocated to preprocessing, in GB |
getFileName.timeout |
Int | 1 | timeout in hours |
getFileName.threads |
Int | 1 | number of cpu threads to be used |
combineVariants.jobMemory |
Int | 24 | memory allocated to preprocessing, in GB |
combineVariants.timeout |
Int | 20 | timeout in hours |
combineVariants.threads |
Int | 8 | number of cpu threads to be used |
annotation.modules |
String | "samtools/1.9 bcftools/1.9 htslib/1.9 tabix/1.9" | module for running preprocessing |
annotation.jobMemory |
Int | 24 | memory allocated to preprocessing, in GB |
annotation.timeout |
Int | 20 | timeout in hours |
annotation.threads |
Int | 8 | number of cpu threads to be used |
variantEffectPredictor.mergeVcfs_timeout |
Int | 24 | Maximum amount of time (in hours) the task can run for. |
variantEffectPredictor.mergeVcfs_threads |
Int | 4 | Requested CPU threads. |
variantEffectPredictor.mergeVcfs_overhead |
Int | 6 | Java overhead memory (in GB). jobMemory - overhead == java Xmx/heap memory. |
variantEffectPredictor.mergeVcfs_jobMemory |
Int | 24 | Memory allocated to job (in GB). |
variantEffectPredictor.mergeVcfs_extraArgs |
String? | None | Additional arguments to be passed directly to the command. |
variantEffectPredictor.mergeVcfs_modules |
String | "gatk/" | Required environment modules. |
variantEffectPredictor.mergeMafs_timeout |
Int | 24 | Maximum amount of time (in hours) the task can run for. |
variantEffectPredictor.mergeMafs_threads |
Int | 4 | Requested CPU threads. |
variantEffectPredictor.mergeMafs_jobMemory |
Int | 24 | Memory allocated to job (in GB). |
variantEffectPredictor.mergeMafs_modules |
String | "tabix/0.2.6" | Required environment modules |
variantEffectPredictor.vcf2maf_timeout |
Int | 48 | Hours before task timeout |
variantEffectPredictor.vcf2maf_threads |
Int | 4 | Requested CPU threads |
variantEffectPredictor.vcf2maf_jobMemory |
Int | 32 | Memory allocated for this job (GB) |
variantEffectPredictor.vcf2maf_bufferSize |
Int | 200 | The buffer size |
variantEffectPredictor.vcf2maf_minHomVaf |
Float | 0.7 | The minimum vaf for homozygous calls |
variantEffectPredictor.vcf2maf_vepStats |
Boolean | true | If vepStats is true, remove flag '--no_stats' from vep. If vepStats is false, running vep with flag '--no_stats' |
variantEffectPredictor.vcf2maf_species |
String | "homo_sapiens" | Species name |
variantEffectPredictor.vcf2maf_basename |
String | basename("~{vcfFile}",".vcf.gz") | Base name |
variantEffectPredictor.tumorOnlyAlign_timeout |
Int | 6 | Hours before task timeout |
variantEffectPredictor.tumorOnlyAlign_threads |
Int | 4 | Requested CPU threads |
variantEffectPredictor.tumorOnlyAlign_jobMemory |
Int | 32 | Memory allocated for this job (GB) |
variantEffectPredictor.tumorOnlyAlign_modules |
String | "bcftools/1.9 tabix/0.2.6" | Required environment modules |
variantEffectPredictor.tumorOnlyAlign_basename |
String | basename("~{vcfFile}",".vcf.gz") | Base name |
variantEffectPredictor.vep_timeout |
Int | 16 | Hours before task timeout |
variantEffectPredictor.vep_threads |
Int | 4 | Requested CPU threads |
variantEffectPredictor.vep_jobMemory |
Int | 32 | Memory allocated for this job (GB) |
variantEffectPredictor.vep_vepStats |
Boolean | true | If vepStats is true, remove flag '--no_stats' from vep. If vepStats is false, running vep with flag '--no_stats' |
variantEffectPredictor.vep_species |
String | "homo_sapiens" | Species name |
variantEffectPredictor.vep_addParam |
String? | None | Additional vep parameters |
variantEffectPredictor.vep_basename |
String | basename("~{vcfFile}",".vcf.gz") | Base name |
variantEffectPredictor.subsetVcf_timeout |
Int | 6 | Maximum amount of time (in hours) the task can run for. |
variantEffectPredictor.subsetVcf_threads |
Int | 4 | Requested CPU threads. |
variantEffectPredictor.subsetVcf_jobMemory |
Int | 32 | Memory allocated to job (in GB). |
variantEffectPredictor.subsetVcf_modules |
String | "bcftools/1.9" | Required environment modules |
variantEffectPredictor.subsetVcf_basename |
String | basename("~{vcfFile}",".vcf.gz") | Base name |
variantEffectPredictor.chromosomeArray_timeout |
Int | 1 | Maximum amount of time (in hours) the task can run for. |
variantEffectPredictor.chromosomeArray_threads |
Int | 4 | Requested CPU threads. |
variantEffectPredictor.chromosomeArray_jobMemory |
Int | 1 | Memory allocated to job (in GB). |
variantEffectPredictor.getSampleNames_timeout |
Int | 1 | Hours before task timeout |
variantEffectPredictor.getSampleNames_threads |
Int | 4 | Requested CPU threads |
variantEffectPredictor.getSampleNames_jobMemory |
Int | 1 | Memory allocated for this job (GB) |
variantEffectPredictor.targetBedTask_timeout |
Int | 6 | Hours before task timeout |
variantEffectPredictor.targetBedTask_threads |
Int | 4 | Requested CPU threads |
variantEffectPredictor.targetBedTask_jobMemory |
Int | 32 | Memory allocated for this job (GB) |
variantEffectPredictor.targetBedTask_modules |
String | "bedtools/2.27 tabix/0.2.6" | Required environment modules |
variantEffectPredictor.targetBedTask_basename |
String | basename("~{vcfFile}",".vcf.gz") | Base name |
variantEffectPredictor.normalName |
String? | None | Name of the normal sample |
filterMaf.mafNormalFile |
File? | None | input file for normal sample |
filterMaf.freqList |
String | "$MAF_FILTERING_ROOT/TGL.frequency.20210609.annot.txt" | frequency list used in maf annotation |
filterMaf.genesToKeep |
String | "$MAF_FILTERING_ROOT/genes_to_keep.txt" | gene list in maf filtering |
filterMaf.modules |
String | "python/3.9 pandas/1.4.2 maf-filtering/2023-10-06" | module for running preprocessing |
filterMaf.jobMemory |
Int | 8 | memory allocated to preprocessing, in GB |
filterMaf.timeout |
Int | 1 | timeout in hours |
filterMaf.threads |
Int | 1 | number of cpu threads to be used |
Output | Type | Description | Labels |
tumorDcsScVcf |
File | DCS vcf for tumor sample | vidarr_label: tumorDcsScVcf |
tumorDcsScVcfIndex |
File | DCS vcf index for tumor sample | vidarr_label: tumorDcsScVcfIndex |
tumorSscsScVcf |
File | SSCS vcf for tumor sample | vidarr_label: tumorSscsScVcf |
tumorSscsScVcfIndex |
File | SSCS vcf index for tumor sample | vidarr_label: tumorSscsScVcfIndex |
tumorAllUniqueVcf |
File | vcf of DCS + singletons for tumor sample | vidarr_label: tumorAllUniqueVcf |
tumorAllUniqueVcfIndex |
File | vcf index for DCS + singletons for tumor sample | vidarr_label: tumorAllUniqueVcfIndex |
tumorVepVcf |
File | vep vcf for tumor sample | vidarr_label: tumorVepVcf |
tumorVepVcfIndex |
File | vep vcf index for tumor sample | vidarr_label: tumorVepVcfIndex |
tumorMafOutput |
File? | maf output for tumor sample | vidarr_label: tumorMafOutput |
filterredMaf |
File? | maf file after filtering | vidarr_label: filterredMaf |
This section lists command(s) run by mutect2ConsensusTumorOnly workflow
- Running mutect2ConsensusTumorOnly
basename ~{fileName} | cut -d. -f1
import subprocess
import sys
inputStrings = []
v = "~{sep=' ' inputVcfs}"
vcfFiles = v.split()
w = "~{sep=' ' workflows}"
workflowIds = w.split()
priority = "~{priority}"
if len(vcfFiles) != len(workflowIds):
print("The arrays with input files and their respective workflow names are not of equal size!")
for f in range(0, len(vcfFiles)):
inputStrings.append("--variant:" + workflowIds[f] + " " + vcfFiles[f])
javaMemory = ~{jobMemory} - 6
gatkCommand = "$JAVA_ROOT/bin/java -Xmx" + str(javaMemory) + "G -jar $GATK_ROOT/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar "
gatkCommand += "-T CombineVariants "
gatkCommand += " ".join(inputStrings)
gatkCommand += " -R ~{referenceFasta} "
gatkCommand += "-o ~{outputPrefix}_combined.vcf.gz "
gatkCommand += "-genotypeMergeOptions PRIORITIZE "
gatkCommand += "-priority " + priority
gatkCommand += " 2>&1"
result_output =, shell=True)
bcftools annotate -a ~{uniqueVcf} \
-c FMT/AD,FMT/DP ~{mergedVcf} -Oz \
-o "~{outputPrefix}.merged.vcf.gz"
tabix -p vcf "~{outputPrefix}.merged.vcf.gz"
## Adapted from
## this code will filter a maf file, generated from tumor-only mutect2 calls
import pandas as pd
maf_file_path = "~{mafFile}"
maf_normal_path = "~{mafNormalFile}"
freq_list_path = "~{freqList}"
output_path_prefix = "~{outputPrefix}"
genes_to_keep_path = "~{genesToKeep}"
if maf_normal_path:
df_bc = pd.read_csv(maf_normal_path,
sep = "\t",
df_pl = pd.read_csv(maf_file_path,
sep = "\t",
df_freq = pd.read_csv(freq_list_path,
sep = "\t")
with open(genes_to_keep_path) as f:
for row in df_pl.iterrows():
hugo_symbol = row[1]['Hugo_Symbol']
chromosome = row[1]['Chromosome']
start_position = row[1]['Start_Position']
reference_allele = row[1]['Reference_Allele']
allele = row[1]['Allele']
# If there is normal input, annotate rows with information from the matched normal and from the frequency table
if maf_normal_path:
# Lookup the entry in the BC and annotate the tumour maf with
# n_depth, n_ref_count, n_alt_count
row_lookup = df_bc[(df_bc['Hugo_Symbol'] == hugo_symbol) &
(df_bc['Chromosome'] == chromosome) &
(df_bc['Start_Position'] == start_position) &
(df_bc['Reference_Allele'] == reference_allele) &
(df_bc['Allele'] == allele)]
# If there's only one entry, take its normal values
if len(row_lookup) == 1:[row[0], "n_depth"] = row_lookup['n_depth'].item()[row[0], "n_ref_count"] = row_lookup['n_ref_count'].item()[row[0], "n_alt_count"] = row_lookup['n_alt_count'].item()
# If the entry isn't in the table,
# or if there is more than one value and so you can't choose which normal values to take,
# set them as 0
else:[row[0], "n_depth"] = 0[row[0], "n_ref_count"] = 0[row[0], "n_alt_count"] = 0
# Lookup the entry in the frequency table and annotate the tumour maf with Freq
row_lookup = df_freq[(df_freq['Start_Position'] == row[1]['Start_Position']) &
(df_freq['Reference_Allele'] == row[1]['Reference_Allele']) &
((df_freq['Tumor_Seq_Allele'] == row[1]['Tumor_Seq_Allele1']) |
(df_freq['Tumor_Seq_Allele'] == row[1]['Tumor_Seq_Allele2']))]
if len(row_lookup) > 0:[row[0], 'Freq'] = row_lookup['Freq'].item()
else:[row[0], 'Freq'] = 0
# Filter the maf to remove rows based on various criteria, but always maintaining genes in the GENES_TO_KEEP list
for row in df_pl.iterrows():
hugo_symbol = row[1]['Hugo_Symbol']
frequency = row[1]['Freq']
gnomAD_AF = row[1]['gnomAD_AF']
n_alt_count = row[1]['n_alt_count']
if hugo_symbol not in GENES_TO_KEEP or frequency > 0.1 or n_alt_count > 4 or gnomAD_AF > 0.001:
df_pl = df_pl.drop(row[0])
df_pl.to_csv(output_path_prefix + '_filtered_maf_for_tar.maf.gz', sep = "\t", compression='gzip', index=False)
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