Initial release
Usage: ss [OPTIONS] [Patterns]
ss searches in all the known buckets at a lighning speed. It not only searches
in the name field, but also in the desscription. Regex and UTF-8 compatible.
no opt. searches for all the matches in the name and description fields.
-n Searches only in the name field.
-s Simple search. searches an exact name match (implies -n).
-e Full expanded regex search.
-l Search latest versions only
-r raw, no color and no header. Outputs data as a PowerShell object.
-h Prints this help
ss scoop search (all the packages with both words in the name or description)
ss -n nvidia driver (the name contains both 'nvidia' AND 'driver')
ss -n "nvidia|radeon" tool (contains 'tool' and, 'nvidia' or 'radeon')
ss -l search scoop (the latest manifests of scoop search utilities)
ss -n -l -e ss$ ^s (latests versions of apps ending in 'ss' starting with 's')
ss -l 音乐 (UTF-8 search)
$apps = ss -r .* (stores in `$apps a PSObject with all the Scoop manifests)