This project integrates notions of:
- Blockchain, based on the project
- Web using web3.js and Ruby on Rails, website:
The UI is meant to test functionalities in test and production environments. If you are interested in UI design with RoR & bootstrap (No blockchain):
- Solidity - 0.5.16 (solc-js)
- Truffle v5.4.18 (core: 5.4.18)
- Node v14.18.0
- Web3.js v1.5.3
- Ganache app
- [email protected]
- Ruby 2.7.3p183
- Rails
- Bundler version 2.2.27
- yarn 1.22.13
(My others Blockchain projects:
- Installation and folders of interest
- Description and functionnalities
- Next steps
Download the repo, then
bundle install
Check it is working
rails s
and go on localhost
Test that truffle is working.(optional)
Modify its setup if needed, regarding your local blockchain.
Where to look in the repository to do update.
builds/... (ABI and bytecode)
Connect to a blockchain:
- Locally: using ganache (caution to the setting truffle-config.js and ganache) or you can setup a local blockchain
- Polygon mainnet, mumbai, or an other crypto: using Metamask
Interact with CarpoolingFactory.
Interact with Carpooling. (TODO)
locally: type the http local url, e.g:"http://localhost:8545", and click on connect
Polygon (or an other crypto): clear it, and click on connect.
- A popup will ask to connect to your wallet, accept. (! Always use a sandbox Wallet with a few Matics to avoid any issues !)
You can:
- Deploy a factory contract, take care of the gas required
- Retrieve an existing instance of the factory contract: using its address
- Get the admin of the factory instance
- get the carpooling address using its index
- Create a carpooling: take care of the gas price Input data are already set to facilitate testing (todo->allow inputs)
- logs events of the last 900 blocks filtered on createCarpooling of factory instance
VIEWS: Split in 3 pages:
- home: account, send, unlock
- carpooling factory: factory related topics + get carpooling index (easier for testing...)
- carpooling: carpooling related topics
- add services
- createCarpooling: allow user parameter as input ...
- Ask to book a carpooling
- Validate a booking
- Validate a trip
- Withdraw your tokens ...