The NDI Controller is a GUI based virtual NDI Matrix. The NDI Controller creates virtual targets that you can select from your NDI Decoder (E.g. Tricaster or a Birddog)
In MTX SETUP you can add sources based on NDI discovery, or manually added sources, if you wan't a sources that in another sub-net.
There are 4 salvos (presets) for fast recalling a setup. You can store a prsset by press-and-hold the button for 0.6 sec.
It has support for external control by Ember supported software/hardware (e.g. VSM) And has a simple REST API for other external control.
If you open up a brower and type:
localhost:5901/?target=3 (or whatever ip-address the NDI-Controller is located)
You'll get a personal source selector for a single target
In Mtx setup under targets you can select what sources that should be excludes for a specific target.
When adding a source you can either type in manually (e.g. adding a non-discoverable source) or select a discoveret NDI Source.
Pressing RE-DISCOVER will search for NDI sources again.
When adding targets it's possible to assign a Skaarhoj HW panel + number of buttons, and exclude sources on User panels (Web client and Skaahoj panels)
Windows: Run the pre-build "ndi-controller Setup x.x.x.exe" Mac: Run the pre-build "ndi-controller-x.x.x.dmg"
NDI Controller is listening for Skaahoj raw-panels on port 9923 (standard Skaahoj port) In MTX settings -> you can add the serial number of the skaarhoj panel on the target you wish to control.
(Ubutnu 20.04) will build when yarn is called. (c compiler on machine is needed)
apt-get update && apt-get install -y libavahi-common-dev libavahi-client-dev build-essential
clone and cd to ndi-ember-mtx folder
install nodejs v14 and yarn
cp ./lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/* /usr/lib/
yarn build-server
yarn build-client
yarn start
sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y libavahi-common-dev libavahi-client-dev build-essential curl
//Install nodejs v14
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
//Install yarn
npm install -g yarn
//Clone and cd to ndi-ember-mtx folder
git clone
cd ndi-controller
//Copy lib files to /usr/lib
cp ./lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/* /usr/lib/
// Install and build
yarn build
yarn start
Open Web control in chrome:
Open CLIENT PANEL GUI in chrome:
Connect to Ember server on port: 9000
You can change connections from REST API with:
POST http://localhost:5901/setmatrix?source=8&target=3
Recall a Salvo (preset)
POST http://localhost:5901/recall/?preset=2
Get the a JSON with current state, targetlabel and sourcelabel:
GET http://localhost:5901/state
Big thanks goes to Streampunk Media for Node-API c bindings inspiration