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Directus Helm Chart by Digitalist

Artifact Hub checkov Lint&Test chart Unit test chart

This Helm chart installs Directus, a real-time API, and App dashboard for managing SQL database content.


Please note, this is an un-official Helm chart from Digitalist.


The Directus software is licensed with a Business Source License 1.1, © 2023 Monospace, Inc. This chart, however, is licensed with GPL v.3 license. This means that for using and distributing Directus itself you would refer to the license of Directus, not the Helm chart license.


We strive to make the installation of Directus as easy as possible, but there are a couple of important things you should override from the defaults, namely the key and secret.

We recommend that you either override the default values file from the repository or set your keys using --set.

File storage

By default, no persistance storage is set, in general, you are recommended to use External File Storage.

If you want to use internal persistance file storage (disk), you need to enable it:

  enabled: true

If you desire to have more than one replica of Directus, it is essential to use a storage class that facilitates ReadWriteMany functionality. Without this, the deployment scalability would be restricted, as additional replicas would never start:

  storageClass: "longhorn" #or any other class supporting ReadWriteMany
  accessModes: ReadWriteMany

Add helm repo

Add the Directus Helm repository:

helm repo add directus
helm repo update

Example 1 - Installing Directus

To install Directus, use the following command:

helm install my-release-name --set key=myrandomkey --set secret=myrandomsecret directus/directus

You can generate your keys as an example with the following command:

openssl rand -hex 16

Example 2 - Installing Directus with overrides

helm install my-release-name -f my-overrides.yaml directus/directus

Simple installation test

helm test my-release-name

This creates a pod that checks if the Directus service works and provides a correct answer.

General production recommendations

Use HPA (Horizontal Pod Autoscaler) for Directus (autoscaling: enabled: true).

We recommend having at least three replicas for Directus in production (replicaCount: 3) and setting a minimum number of replicas for HPA to 3 (autoscaling: minReplicas: 3) with a maximum value that matches your requirements (autoscaling: maxReplicas: 12)

We also advise against turning off the probes, as they help keep Directus active. We have encountered issues when it remains idle, leading to poor responses on the first request, which often results in errors.

If you have more than one replica, you should use Redis for caching, so you can share the cache. This is enabled by default.

  enabled: true
  ttl: "5m"
  autoPurge: true
  store: "redis"

Health checks

The probes make HTTP requests to /server/health/, which may trigger warnings in your pod logs for high thresholds on MySQL, cache, or storage. If you are unable to improve the response time for these services, you can override the default threshold warnings.

    value: "300"
    value: "300"
    value: "850"


To uninstall and delete the Directus Helm release:

helm delete my-release-name


Parameter Description Default Value
replicaCount Number of replicas 1
key Unique key 4d596b1af3e1ae23d54110da1a377c66 (please change)
secret Unique secret 7cf5038d95dfba34178e0c120d77d75e (please change) Email for admin user --
admin.password Password for admin user --
public.url Public URL for Directus --
image.repository Image name directus/directus
image.pullPolicy Image pull policy IfNotPresent
image.pullSecrets Image pull secrets {}
nameOverride Replaces the name of the chart --
fullnameOverride Replaces the fully qualified app name --
serviceAccount.create Create service account true
serviceAccount.annotations ServiceAccount annotations {} Service account name to use, when empty will be set to the created account if serviceAccount.create is set, else to default ``
podAnnotations Pod annotations {}
podSecurityContext Pod securityContext {}
securityContext Deployment securityContext {}
service.type Kubernetes service type ClusterIP
service.port Kubernetes port where service is exposed 80
persistence.enabled If to enable persistence storage false
persistence.existingClaim Existing Persistent Volume Claim to use ``
persistence.storageClass storageClass for volume -
persistence.annotations Annotations to add to volume {}
persistence.accessModes accessMode for Persistent Volume ReadWriteOnce
persistence.size Size for Volume 8Gi
ingress.enabled Enables Ingress false
ingress.annotations Ingress annotations {}
ingress.hosts Ingress extra paths to prepend to every host configuration ["chart-example.local"]
ingress.tls Ingress TLS configuration []
resources CPU/Memory resource requests/limits {}
autoscaling.enabled Enables Autoscaling false
autoscaling.minReplicas Set minimum number of replicas. Only applies when autoscaling.enabled is true. 1
autoscaling.maxReplicas Set maximum number of replicas Only applies when autoscaling.enabled is true. 100
startupProbe.enabled Enables livenessProbe true
livenessProbe.enabled Enables livenessProbe true
readinessProbe.enabled Enables readinessProbe true
nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {}
tolerations List of node taints to tolerate []
affinity Node/Pod affinities {}
generateEnvVars.mariadb Creates env. variables from mariadb values true
generateEnvVars.redis Creates env. variables from redis values true
extraEnvVars Adds extra environment variables. Refer to Directus Docs for more details. {}
mariadb.enabled Deploys MariaDB server true
redis.enabled Deploys Redis server true
sidecars Sidecars to attach to Directus deployment []
initContainers initContainers to start before Directus []
extraSecrets.create Create extra secrets false Secrets to add {}
extraConfigMap.create Create extra config map false Config map data to add {}
extraVolumes Extra volumes to add []
extraVolumeMounts Extra volume mounts to add []
snapshot Take schema snapshot at init false
log.level Logging level info Logging style pretty
cache.enabled To enable caching true
cache.ttl Time to live for cache objects 5m
cache.autoPurge Auto purge cache true Where to store cache redis

External Database

If you want to use an external database, you need to disable MariaDB by adding mariadb.enabled: false and set the necessary environment variables according to the Directus Documentation.

These variables can be added using the following values:

  - name: DB_CLIENT
    value: mysql

External File Storage

By default, with the helm charts defaults, Directus stores uploaded files on the pod storage in an empty dir. As a result, the data will be lost when the pod is restarted. To avoid this, you need to configure Directus to use an external storage adapter, such as S3, Google Storage, or Azure, or enable persistent storage (only recommended if you have storage class with ReadWriteMany capacity). For external file storage, you need to add the necessary environment variables as documented in the Directus Documentation.

You can add these variables like this:

    value: amazon
    value: s3

Overrides for docker image

We are overriding the Docker defaults by moving directus bootstrap to an initContainer and only running directus start in the main container.

Helm unit testing

Tests are in charts/directus/tests

First install the helm plugin if you don't have it.

helm plugin install

In the charts dir (charts/directus), run:

helm unittest . --strict


We are gradually moving more configuration settings to values.yaml so we don't depend to much on extraEnvVars. We also plan to support schema import on install and update.