A Helm chart for Kubernetes
What's Changed
- build(deps): Bump actions/deploy-pages from 1 to 2 by @dependabot in #5
- build(deps): Bump azure/setup-helm from 1 to 3 by @dependabot in #4
- build(deps): Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 by @dependabot in #3
- build(deps): Bump actions/configure-pages from 1 to 3 by @dependabot in #2
- build(deps): Bump actions/upload-pages-artifact from 1 to 2 by @dependabot in #1
- add loki by @xuexihuang in #21
- send alerts via email by @xuexihuang in #23
- loki chart can't install correct by @xuexihuang in #26
- fix OpenIM Chat Service run error and change some image repository to new by @xuexihuang in #29
- fix: add openim helm charts test cicd by @cubxxw in #31
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #5
- @xuexihuang made their first contribution in #21
- @cubxxw made their first contribution in #31
Full Changelog: