cads-blocks-library 3.0.11
Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @ecmwf-projects/cads-blocks-library@3.0.11
Install via package.json:
"@ecmwf-projects/cads-blocks-library": "3.0.11"
About this version
CADS Blocks library for webportal
Install the library with Yarn:
yarn add @ecmwf-projects/cads-blocks-library
or with NPM:
npm install @ecmwf-projects/cads-blocks-library
Then, import the desired component into your project:
import { GenerateBlocks } from '@ecmwf-projects/cads-blocks-library'
Increment the desired Semver version where the version can be one of --major
, --minor
, --patch
. Run yarn version -h
for a full list of flags:
yarn version --minor
This will also publish a release tag via postversion
The tag will trigger the related Github actions for publishing to the desired package registry.
To publish a pre-release, add --pre
to the flag:
yarn version --preminor
# or
yarn version --premajor
Local package development:
In order to install this package locally (while developing) in the same way as publishing, we can package it and install in webportal:
npm run build
npm pack
This will create a ecmwf-projects-cads-blocks-...-.tgz. Add to the dependencies of cads-webportal:
Something like this:
"dependencies": {
"@ecmwf-projects/cads-blocks-library": "file:/path/to/cads-blocks-library/ecmwf-projects-cads-blocks-library-3.0.5.tgz",
Issue yarn install.