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bzip2_x64-windows 1.0.8-vcpkgf7b4a899d4493b720ba3e9d27d83508b4079f2f860e063f7488774ac32b09699

Install from the command line:
Learn more about NuGet packages
$ dotnet add package bzip2_x64-windows --version 1.0.8-vcpkgf7b4a899d4493b720ba3e9d27d83508b4079f2f860e063f7488774ac32b09699

About this version

NOT FOR DIRECT USE. Automatically generated cache package.

bzip2 is a freely available, patent free, high-quality data compressor. It typically compresses files to within 10% to 15% of the best available techniques (the PPM family of statistical compressors), whilst being around twice as fast at compression and six times faster at decompression.

Version: 1.0.8#5 Triplet: x64-windows CXX Compiler id: MSVC CXX Compiler version: 19.40.33811.0 Triplet/Compiler hash: 26eaf5b6e9ee2ffeb9a380b0a2d7148cff6374c9870f381e69e8c78aec144718-e36df1c7f50ab25f9c182fa927d06c19ae082e0d599f132b3f655784b49e4b33-bae071241bf75f458fc6e75d8373d63541026a36 Features: core, tool Dependencies: vcpkg-cmake