How to cancel a MoveIt2 generated trajectory with a controlled stop? #3300
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I have found a workaround solution for the time being, although the stop produced is still too abrupt for my liking. For those that may want to implement this as well, my code is shown below. #!/usr/bin/env python3
import time
import rclpy
import argparse
from threading import Thread
from rclpy.logging import get_logger
from ament_index_python import get_package_share_directory
from moveit_configs_utils import MoveItConfigsBuilder
from moveit.planning import MoveItPy, PlanRequestParameters, MultiPipelinePlanRequestParameters
from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseStamped
# Plans the motion based on pose goals and executes the plan
def plan_and_execute(robot, planning_component, logger, single_plan_parameters=None, multi_plan_parameters=None, sleep_time=0.0):"Planning trajectory")
# Formulate the plan for different planning scenarios
if multi_plan_parameters is not None:
plan_result = planning_component.plan(multi_plan_parameters=multi_plan_parameters)
elif single_plan_parameters is not None:
plan_result = planning_component.plan(single_plan_parameters=single_plan_parameters)
plan_result = planning_component.plan()
# Execute Plan
if plan_result:"Executing plan")
robot_trajectory = plan_result.trajectory
robot.execute(robot_trajectory, controllers=[])
logger.error("Planning failed")
def main():
logger = get_logger("moveit_py.pose_goal")
# Define arguments for test script
desc = "Script to test the functionality of MoveItPy Pose Planning"
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=desc)
parser.add_argument('--sleep_time', dest='sleep_time', default='0.0', help='Specifies the delay in between motion requests (float)')
parser.add_argument('--gazebo', dest='gazebo', action='store_true', help='Tells script to use sim time and Gazebo URDF (bool)')
args = parser.parse_args()
# Define variables from passed arguments
sleep_time = float(args.sleep_time)
gazebo = args.gazebo
# Logic for loading correct URDF
if gazebo:
urdf_file = 'gazebo_combined.urdf.xacro'
urdf_file = 'lbr_iisy3_r760_combined.urdf.xacro'
# Define MoveIt Configuration
moveit_config = (
file_path=(get_package_share_directory('kuka_irl_project')) + '/urdf/lbr_iisy3_r760.srdf')
file_path=get_package_share_directory("kuka_lbr_iisy_support")+ "/config/lbr_iisy3_r760_joint_limits.yaml")
file_path=get_package_share_directory('kuka_irl_project') + '/config/planning.yaml')
# Convert MoveIt Configuration to a dictionary
moveit = moveit_config.to_dict()
# If using Gazebo, use sim time
if gazebo:
moveit.update({"use_sim_time": True})
moveit.update({'qos_overrides./clock.subscription.durability': 'volatile'})
moveit.update({'qos_overrides./clock.subscription.history': 'keep_last'})
moveit.update({'qos_overrides./clock.subscription.depth': 10})
moveit.update({'qos_overrides./clock.subscription.reliability': 'reliable'})
# Instantiate MoveItPy with the manipulator component
kuka_move = MoveItPy(node_name="moveit_py", config_dict=moveit)
kuka = kuka_move.get_planning_component("manipulator")"MoveItPy instance created")
# Define a list of actions that describe a goal pose or gripper action, pose_link represents which part of the robot will be sent to the pose
{'frame_id': 'world', 'pose_link': 'gripper_base_link','planner': 'multi',
'x_position': 0.5, 'y_position': 0.0, 'z_position': 0.99,
'w_orientation': 1.0, 'x_orientation': 0.0, 'y_orientation': 0.0, 'z_orientation': 0.0},
{'frame_id': 'world', 'pose_link': 'gripper_base_link','planner': 'multi',
'x_position': 0.40111662283352756, 'y_position': -0.08802419243477377, 'z_position': 1.009233221679309,
'w_orientation': 1.0, 'x_orientation': 0.0, 'y_orientation': 0.0, 'z_orientation': 0.0},
{'frame_id': 'world', 'pose_link': 'gripper_base_link','planner': 'multi',
'x_position': 0.5, 'y_position': 0.0, 'z_position': 1.1,
'w_orientation': 1.0, 'x_orientation': 0.0, 'y_orientation': 0.0, 'z_orientation': 0.0},
# Loop that occurs for each action above
for action in actions:
pose_goal = PoseStamped()
pose_goal.header.frame_id = action['frame_id']
pose_goal.pose.position.x = action['x_position']
pose_goal.pose.position.y = action['y_position']
pose_goal.pose.position.z = action['z_position']
pose_goal.pose.orientation.w = action['w_orientation']
pose_goal.pose.orientation.x = action['x_orientation']
pose_goal.pose.orientation.y = action['y_orientation']
pose_goal.pose.orientation.z = action['z_orientation']
if action['planner'] == 'ompl':
single_plan_parameters = PlanRequestParameters(
kuka_move, "ompl_rrtc_solo"
multi_plan_parameters = None
elif action['planner'] == 'pilz':
single_plan_parameters = PlanRequestParameters(
kuka_move, "pilz_lin_solo"
multi_plan_parameters = None
elif action['planner'] == 'stomp':
single_plan_parameters = PlanRequestParameters(
kuka_move, "stomp_solo"
multi_plan_parameters = None
elif action['planner'] == 'multi':
single_plan_parameters = None
multi_plan_parameters = MultiPipelinePlanRequestParameters(
kuka_move, ["ompl_rrtc_multi", "pilz_lin_multi", "stomp_multi"]
single_plan_parameters = None
multi_plan_parameters = None
kuka.set_goal_state(pose_stamped_msg=pose_goal, pose_link=action['pose_link'])
execution_thread = Thread(target=plan_and_execute, args=(kuka_move, kuka, logger, single_plan_parameters, multi_plan_parameters, sleep_time))
'''This stops the robot when the script is killed with "Ctrl+C"'''
while execution_thread.is_alive():
except KeyboardInterrupt:
trajectory_manager = kuka_move.get_trajectory_execution_manager()
'''This allows the robot to be stopped with "Ctrl+D" and a user input is required to go to the next point (finicky)'''
# try:
# while execution_thread.is_alive():
# user_input = input("Enter something: ")
# time.sleep(0.1)
# except EOFError:
# trajectory_manager = kuka_move.get_trajectory_execution_manager()
# trajectory_manager.stop_execution()
'''This is the original function call before implementing stop execution with Threading'''
# plan_and_execute(kuka_move, kuka, logger, sleep_time=sleep_time, single_plan_parameters=single_plan_parameters, multi_plan_parameters=multi_plan_parameters)
if __name__ == "__main__":
main() The most important thing to note is the last couple of lines where I implement an execution Thread. You may wonder why I am executing the robot motion in another Thread, but this is necessary due to MoveItPy's handling of a You may also notice that I have another |
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I am utilizing the MoveIt2 Python API to motion plan with a Kuka LBR iisy 3 r760 robotic manipulator. I was wondering if there was a way to interrupt the robot while it is executing a trajectory and have it come to a gradual stop. Basically, I am trying to execute a controlled stop on command without having to use the Emergency Stop (effective, but rough on the robot). I have tried cancelling the goal and have found that although this works, it comes to an immediate, abrupt stop which I am trying to avoid. Any suggestions?
Jacob Kruse
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