ruff_fmt 0.9.4
Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @wasm-fmt/ruff_fmt@0.9.4
Install via package.json:
"@wasm-fmt/ruff_fmt": "0.9.4"
About this version
npm install @wasm-fmt/ruff_fmt
npx jsr add @fmt/ruff-fmt
import init, { format } from "@wasm-fmt/ruff_fmt";
await init();
const input = `x = { 'a':37,'b':42,
y = 'hello ''world'
z = 'hello '+'world'
a = 'hello {}'.format('world')
class foo ( object ):
def f (self ):
return 37*-+2
def g(self, x,y=42):
return y
def f ( a ) :
return 37+-+a[42-x : y**3]`;
const formatted = format(input);
with custom options:
import init, { format } from "@wasm-fmt/ruff_fmt";
// ...
const formatted = format(input, {
indent_style: "space",
indent_width: 4,
line_width: 88,
quote_style: "double",
magic_trailing_comma: "respect",
For Vite users:
Add "@wasm-fmt/ruff_fmt"
to optimizeDeps.exclude
in your vite config:
"optimizeDeps": {
"exclude": ["@wasm-fmt/ruff_fmt"]
If you cannot change the vite config, you can use another import entry
import init, { format } from "@wasm-fmt/ruff_fmt/vite";
// ...
[!NOTE] dpint plugin is deprecated, please use instead.
dprint config add wasm-fmt/ruff_fmt
Ruff is an extremely fast Python linter, written in Rust.
This package is a WebAssembly build of Ruff formatter, with a JavaScript wrapper.