Uses React.js and Node.js, sets up a simple API and deploys with Heroku. Based on this example:
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development purposes. These instructions also lets you quickly deploy the project through Heroku.
You'll need Git, Heroku and Node.js to get crackin.
Git - for version control
git --version
...if you don’t have git installed already, this will prompt you to install it.
install heroku from ‘masOS installer’ here: (
Heroku - for easy deployment
install heroku from ‘download the installer’ here: (
npm i -g heroku
heroku login
Check all our prerequisites are good and well:
git --version
node --version
npm --version
heroku --version
- Clone the git repository you just created by using this template to your local machine. From the parent folder where you want the project to live:
git clone
...this will create an 'name-of-project' folder with latest code.
- Initialize git
cd name-of-project
git init
Be sure to initialize the Git repository in your app’s root directory. If your app is in a subdirectory of your repository, it won’t run when it is pushed to Heroku. Your app’s code is now tracked in a local git repository. It has not yet been pushed to any remote servers.
- Install npm's.
npm install (from root)
npm install (from client)
- Create Heroku instance From root:
cd .. (to move to root)
heroku create -b
- Rename Heroku from the default to your project name
heroku apps:rename name-of-project
- Clear buildpacks so Heroku autodetects when you push changes
heroku buildpacks:clear
...otherwise the first time you push to heroku you will get an error of 'App not compatible with buildpack'. Clearing it like this fixes that.
- Save and push changes Make changes, then:
git add .
git commit -m "commit message"
git push (this pushes to the repo on git:
git push heroku master (this deploys to
- Start local Open a separate window in your terminal, then from root:
npm run dev
...see the changes continously update on localhost:3000
- Open your app with Heroku
heroku open
...the browser address ( is the live and shareable version of the app.
...step 7-9 above.
Check your git settings so all looks well.
git config --list
You can use the git remote command to confirm that a remote named heroku has been set for your app:
git remote -v
- Osa Gambas Isacson
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details