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moved ssh cluster test into a separate action file #121

moved ssh cluster test into a separate action file

moved ssh cluster test into a separate action file #121

Workflow file for this run

name: SSH-Test
- "pre-commit-ci*"
group: >-
${{ github.workflow }}-
${{ github.ref_type }}-
${{ github.event.pull_request.number || github.sha }}
cancel-in-progress: true
# UTF-8 content may be interpreted as ascii and causes errors without this.
runs-on: ${{ matrix.runs_on || 'ubuntu-20.04' }}
cluster_type: ssh # actually not needed any more

Check failure on line 25 in .github/workflows/test-ssh.yml

View workflow run for this annotation

GitHub Actions / SSH-Test

Invalid workflow file

The workflow is not valid. .github/workflows/test-ssh.yml (Line: 25, Col: 5): Unexpected value 'cluster_type'
timeout-minutes: 45
# Keep running even if one variation of the job fail
fail-fast: false
- python: "3.9"
- python: "3.8"
runs_on: windows-2019
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Cache conda environment
uses: actions/cache@v3
path: |
key: conda
- name: Cache node_modules
uses: actions/cache@v3
path: |
key: ${{ runner.os }}-yarn-${{ hashFiles('yarn.lock') }}
restore-keys: |
${{ runner.os }}-yarn-
- name: Set environment variables
if: ${{ matrix.env }}
MATRIX_ENV: ${{ toJSON(matrix.env) }}
run: |
python3 <<EOF
import json
import os
matrix_env = json.loads(os.environ["MATRIX_ENV"])
with open(os.environ["GITHUB_ENV"], "a") as f:
for key, value in matrix_env.items():
- name: Get Docker infos
run: |
docker version
docker images
- name: Set up docker-compose for ssh linux launcher
if: ${{ !contains(matrix.runs_on, 'windows') }}
run: |
cd ci/ssh
docker-compose -f linux_docker-compose.yaml up -d --build
# retrieve id_rsa file for public key authentication
mkdir ~/.ssh/
docker cp ssh_sshd_1:/home/ciuser/.ssh/id_rsa ~/.ssh/id_rsa
cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa
#check ssh connection and accept host key (for future ssh commands)
ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" [email protected] -p 2222 -v echo "ssh connection to container succeeded"
- name: Set up docker-compose for ssh windows launcher
if: ${{ contains(matrix.runs_on, 'windows') }}
SSH_HOST: [email protected]
SSH_PORT: 2222
CODE_ROOT: c:\src\ipyparallel
run: |
cd ci/ssh
# determine host ip and place it as 'static' env variables in corresponding docker compose file (win_Dockerfile_template -> win_Dockerfile)
$env:docker_host_ip=(Get-NetIPConfiguration -InterfaceAlias "Ethernet*").IPv4Address.IPAddress.Trim()
$content = Get-Content "win_Dockerfile_template"
$content | ForEach-Object {
$_ -replace '\${docker_host_ip}', $env:docker_host_ip -replace '\${docker_host_name}', $env:computername
} | Set-Content "win_Dockerfile"
docker-compose -f win_docker-compose.yaml up -d --build
# retrieve id_rsa file for public key authentication
mkdir $env:USERPROFILE/.ssh/
docker run ipyparallel-sshd powershell.exe -Command "type C:\Users\ciuser\.ssh\id_rsa" | out-file -encoding ascii $env:USERPROFILE/.ssh/id_rsa
# install newer version of openssh (removes "GetConsoleMode on STD_INPUT_HANDLE failed with 6" error in pytest)
# also disable download progress to keep github runner output more compact
choco install openssh --pre --no-progress
mv C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH C:\Windows\System32\_OpenSSH
#check ssh connection and accept host key (with arbitrary windows command)
ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" $env:SSH_HOST -p $env:SSH_PORT -v echo "ssh connection to container succeeded"
# copy ipyparallel code to docker container (use zip, scp and unzip)
ssh $env:SSH_HOST -p $env:SSH_PORT mkdir $env:CODE_ROOT
# zip ipyparallel files (excluding files probably not needed)
cd ../..
$exclude = @("__pycache__", "node_modules", ".yarn")
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path "." -Exclude $exclude
Compress-Archive -Path $files -DestinationPath -CompressionLevel Fastest
# copy file into docker (we need to do it over ssh since docker copy or mount doesn't work in Hyper-V)
scp -P $env:SSH_PORT ${env:SSH_HOST}:${env:CODE_ROOT}
# deflate ipyparallel files
ssh $env:SSH_HOST -p $env:SSH_PORT powershell.exe -Command "Expand-Archive -Path $env:CODE_ROOT\ -DestinationPath $env:CODE_ROOT"
# pip install ipyparallel files
#ssh $env:SSH_HOST -p $env:SSH_PORT "echo IPP_DISABLE_JS=$env:IPP_DISABLE_JS"
ssh $env:SSH_HOST -p $env:SSH_PORT "pip install -e file://c:/src/ipyparallel#egg=ipyparallel[test]"
# we need to disable the windows firewall for github runners otherwise the ipyparallel engines cannot connect to the controller.
# obviously, a more precautious adaption of the firewall would be desirable. since an adaption of the firewall is NOT necessary
# for a local standard windows environment, no further improvements were made.
echo "Disable Firewall:"
Set-NetFirewallProfile -Profile Domain, Public, Private -Enabled False
# just see were pip is installed and what libraries are install
echo "Check pip inside container"
ssh $env:SSH_HOST -p $env:SSH_PORT "where pip"
ssh $env:SSH_HOST -p $env:SSH_PORT "pip list"
echo "Check if container can ping the docker host (requires adapted hosts file and firewall disabled)"
docker run ipyparallel-sshd ping -n 1 $env:computername
- name: Install Python ${{ matrix.python }}
uses: actions/setup-python@v4
python-version: ${{ matrix.python }}
- name: Install ipyparallel itself
run: |
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install --no-deps .
- name: Install Python dependencies
run: |
pip install --pre --upgrade ipyparallel[test]
- name: Install extra Python packages
if: ${{ ! startsWith(matrix.python, '3.11') }}
run: |
pip install distributed joblib
# pip install --only-binary :all: matplotlib || echo "no matplotlib"#
# the || syntax doesn't work under windows powershell, but since the command (currently) works for all
# python version (>3.8), the "||" branch can be simply removed. Otherwise we would need a splitted
# step for Windows and Linux (as for the docker-compose command)
# pip install --only-binary :all: matplotlib || echo "no matplotlib"
- name: Show environment
run: pip freeze
- name: Run shellcmd tests
if: ${{ matrix.cluster_type }}
run: |
pytest -v --maxfail=2 --cov=ipyparallel ipyparallel/tests/
- name: Run ssh tests
if: ${{ matrix.cluster_type }}
run: |
pytest -v --maxfail=2 --cov=ipyparallel ipyparallel/tests/
#- name: Submit codecov report
# uses: codecov/codecov-action@v4