Magnetic Incremental Rotary Encoder (c) by Gino Magarotto
Magnetic Incremental Rotary Encoder is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
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This project aims to provide a compact, easy to use, relatively high resolution and arguably cheap encoder. It uses the AS5040 magnetic rotary encoder IC from Austria Microsystems.
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Included are.stl and .step files for the case, and .sch and .brd for the PCB.
The PCB is double sided and measures 20 x 20 mm. It could be home etched or manufactured using some low cost prototyping service. The case is designed to be milled, 3D printed or laser cut (the top part). A 3 mm or 1/8 in tap is also needed for threading two holes on the case cover.