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Meeting Minutes: November 15, 2018

Mukesh Hira edited this page Nov 22, 2018 · 3 revisions

Meeting Time and Location

10 am to 11:30 am PDT (GMT - 8), Barefoot Networks, 4750 Patrick Henry Dr, Santa Clara, CA 95054


Barefoot Networks: Jeongkeun Lee, Mickey Spiegel, Roberto Mari
Cisco Systems: Ramesh Sivakolundu, Mario Baldi, Andy Fingerhut
Ixia: Chris Sommers
Surfnet: Ronald Vanderpol
Università della Svizzera italiana: Robert Soule
VMware: Mukesh Hira

Robert Soule gave an excellent presentation on his team's work on an in-network implementation of ABD consensus protocol, adapted for use with Storage Class Memory. Robert's slide deck for this presentation is available here

In the context of this pull-request, the working group also looked at the requirement of reporting queue and buffer thresholds. It was decided to use a single instruction bit for reporting both egress buffer occupancy and egress buffer threshold. Similarly, the meaning of egress queue occupancy instruction bit would be expanded to collect both queue occupancy and queue threshold. Each switch would communicate out-of-band with the monitoring engine to define the exact semantics of information reported, the telemetry YANG model would address this. Ramesh will modify the specification and YANG model accordingly.

It was decided that this would be incorporated as a domain-specific extension. Hence, the edits for this use-case would be combined with the edits for domain specific extensions and version 2 of the INT specifications will incorporate these edits.

Support for INT using IPv6 Extension Header is also deferred to version 2 of the INT specifications, pending resolution of open questions such as - can an INT source device that is not the IPv6 source insert hop-by-hop IPv6 extension header, or would it need to encapsulate the packet in another IPv6 header to satisfy the IPv6 requirement that only the traffic source can insert such an extension header.

Next Steps

Next meeting would be held in two weeks on Thursday, November 29, 2018 at the same time 10 to 11:30 am Pacific Time