Small multiplattform app to sync a timer between several remote clients.
Live example:
Working in my company, the team does small presentations in an online meeting of the work done along a SCRUM sprint. The problem is that these presentations usually spend more time than they should.
First thing is to connect to a host, See next "How to run it section" to connect to localhost or just try ws://
If you are the admin who are going to control the countdown, then create a session. To create a session you can type a session name or leave it empty to generate a random key, then share this session key/name with other remote clients.
Other remote clients should also connect to the host and join the session by pasting the session key in the input near to the "join session" button, nothing more, just wait for the countdown session admin to see the countdown.
Clone the git repository and run npm install
in the root folder.
Then run npm run start-dev
- This command runs the server (with
forever npm run server
) and webpack-dev-server.
Now, with the browser (only tested Chrome for now) access http://localhost:8080/webpack-dev-server/
Run npm run nwjs
OS app files will be placed in <root-folder>/webkitbuilds
This is a really small app, I don't have too much time to work on it. Any help is welcome, a lot of work can be done:
- UI: For Now I just used html styles.
- Mutilple clocks per session.
- Code refactors
- CI
- ...
If you think you can help on something don't hesitate to do PR or concat me.