Releases: paninski-lab/lightning-pose
Releases · paninski-lab/lightning-pose
Main contributions are functioning CI and the cropzoom pipeline (see here)
What's Changed
- Minor fixes by @ksikka in #241
- Automatically set num_workers to cpu count by @ksikka in #243
- Add option to use steps instead of epochs by @ksikka in #242
- add NaNPCA transform method and tests by @themattinthehatt in #245
- Update run-tests.yml by @ksikka in #246
- Skip failing cropzoom test for now by @ksikka in #251
- Simplify metric code by @ksikka in #247
- Add CI scripts and documentation by @ksikka in #249
- CI: cancel previous build on push by @ksikka in #252
- Add support for cropzoom pipeline by @ksikka in #250
Full Changelog: v1.7.0...v1.7.1
What's Changed
- make cropzoom tests compatible with python 3.8 by @themattinthehatt in #229
- get rid of unnecessary lightning logs during inference by @themattinthehatt in #230
- Fix issues reading labels file with empty first row by @ksikka in #234
- Split up train, add Model class, add litpose CLI by @ksikka in #232
- Add docs on Model, litpose by @ksikka in #237
- Upgrade some union, list, dict annotations to 3.10 by @ksikka in #239
Full Changelog: v1.6.1...v1.7.0
What's Changed
- Save copy of labeled data csv to output dir by @ksikka in #222
- Fix tests and post-training analysis behavior by @ksikka in #221
- Save out detector artifacts on detector training by @ksikka in #224
- fix bad import by @themattinthehatt in #226
- add left-right flip option to augmentations by @themattinthehatt in #227
- update version by @themattinthehatt in #228
Full Changelog: v1.6.0...v1.6.1
What's Changed
Major updates for this release include multi-GPU training, new imgaug transforms, and many small usability improvements
- update by @themattinthehatt in #196
- Upgrade sphinx-rtd-theme to fix search #200 by @ksikka in #201
- Fix search attempt 2. Fix #200 by @ksikka in #202
- Log hydra job config to tensorboard by @ksikka in #204
- Change backbone finetuning strategy to allow for DDP by @ksikka in #205
- Support multi-GPU training for supervised training by @ksikka in #206
- Multi-GPU support for unsupervised learning by @ksikka in #207
- Continuous integration using github actions by @ksikka in #208
- add coarse salt/pepper to imgaug transforms by @themattinthehatt in #209
- Added option to choose colormap for labelled videos by @hummuscience in #211
- complete config file documentation by @themattinthehatt in #213
- Add PCA Centering method (experimental) by @ksikka in #214
- Context frames can use any delimiter by @ksikka in #216
- Replace relative paths with absolute paths in demo config by @ksikka in #217
- Fix doc build failure by @ksikka in #218
- Update with downloads/week badge by @ksikka in #219
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.5.1...v1.6.0
Several small updates, as well as reverting the default training setup to automatically save out the best model according to validation metrics, rather than the last model.
- make sure validation loader always has at least one sample
- allow for early stopping again, as well as saving out model weights every n epochs
- make training fully deterministic
- increase flexibility of LitDaliWrapper to work with custom dali video pipeline functions
- increase flexibility of keypoint correspondence array for true multiview datasets
What's Changed
- Passing vfr_check to by @hummuscience in #179, #180
- remove augmentations for val/test data by @themattinthehatt in #181
- implement pca object that handles NaNs by @themattinthehatt in #184
- support for multiple data streams by @themattinthehatt @farzad-ziaie @Selmaan in #187
Full Changelog: v1.4.0...v1.5.0
What's Changed
- [docs] avi vs mp4 faq by @themattinthehatt in #151
- WSL installation instructions by @DavidGill159 in #153
- generalize keypoint access from dataframes in metrics by @themattinthehatt in #154
- ignore hidden "_labeled" folders in dlc to lp conversion by @hummuscience in #157
- misc updates to docs and tests by @themattinthehatt in #162
- add new unit test fixture by @themattinthehatt in #163
- [fix] streamlit video page bugfix by @themattinthehatt in #167
- add sleap2lp file by @Shmuel-columbia in #168
- update dependencies
- add backbone pretrained on hand dataset
- save multiple checkpoint files
New Contributors
- @DavidGill159 made their first contribution in #153
- @hummuscience made their first contribution in #157
- @Shmuel-columbia made their first contribution in #168
Full Changelog: v1.3.0...v1.4.0
What's Changed
- FIX: now outputs unsupervised metrics as well by @EugenioBertolini in #145
- [docs] update config file info by @themattinthehatt in #147
- v1.3.0 updates by @themattinthehatt in #149
- generalize method of accessing likelihood in apps
- generalize subdirectory names used by video app
- move version def from to
- refactor train_hydra script to import a train function for greater flexibility
New Contributors
- @EugenioBertolini made their first contribution in #145
Full Changelog: v1.2.3...v1.3.0
include example data in PyPI packaging
fixing PyPI packaging