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Public API

Paninee Khantidhara edited this page Sep 21, 2023 · 15 revisions

Participedia Public API

Participedia expose our data via an API. To get started, please contact us to receive a free API key, which needs to be added to the HTTP header (api_key) to be able to access our API.


Participedia exposes a REST API that allows an authorized application perform HTTP GET operations to retrieve a paginated list of cases, methods or organization. The API request parameters are uniform across all three result types, but returned results are not uniform in structure.


All requests to the API are required to be authorized using an API key. An unauthorized request or incorrectly authorized request will result in a 401 Unauthorized response code with the response below:

    "error": "Invalid Participedia API Key"

To authorize a request, set the api_key authorization header to your issued API key value. A NodeJS example request is given below:

const request = require('request');
const options = {
  'method': 'GET',
  'url': '',
  'headers': {
    'api_key': 'YOUR_API_KEY_HERE'
request(options, function (error, response) {
  if (error) throw new Error(error);

Making a Request

All API requests are made to the base URL endpoint with the resource name and optional parameters. The API base URL endpoint is and resource names can be one of /cases, /organizations or /methods. If none of the optional parameters are given, the API returns the latest 50 entries for the given resource. Otherwise, the API returns results that are filtered by the parameters.

Available parameters can be one or more of the options listed in the table below:

Parameter Type Default Notes
skip number 0 Number of entries to skip before selecting results to return.
limit number 50 Maximum number of entries to return from the API. Maximum is 200
sortKey string post_date Resource column name by which the returned response is sorted. To sort results in decending order a minus sign (-) is added before the sort key, otherwise, the result is sorted in ascending order. Note: The sort key may vary by resource type
selectedCategory string Required parameter, it can be case, organization or method
---- CASE FILTER ----
general_issues string Most relevant issue addressed in the case. It can be agriculture, arts, business, etc. *Note: If you want to use two or more items you need to separate it with a comma ,
scope_of_influence string Geographical or jurisdictional scope of the case. It can be organization, neighbourhood, city/town, metropolitan, etc
purposes string Most relevant purpose of the case. It can be make, make_influence, deliver, etc.
approaches string
public_spectrum string Goal from the IAP2 Spectrum of Public Participation that the case best represents. It can be inform, consult, involv, etc
open_limited string Participation open to all or limited to a subset of the population. It can be open, open_to, limited`, etc
recruitment_method string Method used to recruit a limited subset of the population. It can be captive, random, stratified, etc
method_types string Most relevant method of the case. It can be captive, random, stratified, etc
tools_techniques_types string Specific methods, tools and techniques used in the case. It can be manage, collect, facilitate, etc
facetoface_online_or_both string Use of online or face to face interaction for the case. It can be facetoface, online and both
organizer_types string Type of organizers or managers. It can be academic, activist, community, etc
funder_types string Type of funder. It can be academic, activist, community, etc
change_types string Most relevant type of change to which the case contributed. It can be changes, changes_civic, changes_public, etc
country string Country where the primary case activities occurred.
method_types string Most relevant method of the project or event. It can be collaborative, community, deliberative, etc.
purpose_method string Select and rank up to three purposes that this method best serves, with “1” indicating the most relevant. It can be make, make_influence, etc.
public_spectrum string Goal from the IAP2 Spectrum of Public Participation that the method best represents. It can be inform, consult, involve, etc.
open_limited string Participation open to all or limited to a subset of the population. It can be open,open_to, limited, etc.
recruitment_method string Method used to recruit a limited subset of the population. It can be captive, random, stratified, etc.
number_of_participants string Select and rank up to three group sizes that this method can accommodate, with “1” indicating the optimal size. It can be individuals, small, medium, etc.
facetoface_online_or_both string Use of online or face to face interaction for the project or event. It can be facetoface, online and both.
facilitators string Does this method require a facilitator at some point during the process? It can be yes or no.
participants_interactions string Select and rank up to three types of interaction that can take place among participants using this method, with “1” indicating the most typical form. It can be acting, ask, discussion, etc.
decision_methods string Select up to three types of decision making that are compatible with this method, with “1” indicating the most typical form of decision making. It can be opinion, idea, general, etc.
scope_of_influence string Select up to three geographical or jurisdictional boundaries within which this method can be implemented. It can be organization, neighbourhood, city/town, etc.
level_polarization string Level of political polarization this method can handle. It can be not, low, moderate, etc.
level_complexity string Level of complexity this method can handle. It can be very_low, low, moderate, etc.
scope_of_influence string Select up to three geographical or jurisdictional boundaries within which this organization is active. It can be organization, neighbourhood, city/town, etc.
sector string In what sector does this organization operate? It can be _profit, government, non_profit_non_gov, etc.
general_issues string Most relevant issue addressed in the project or event. It can be agriculture, arts, business, etc.
type_method string Select and rank up to three types of methods used by this organization, with “1” indicating the most relevant. It can be collaborative, community, deliberative, etc.
type_tool string Select and rank up to three types of tools/techniques used by this organization, with “1” indicating the most relevant. It can be manage, collect, facilitate, etc.
country string Country where the primary activities occurred.

A request to retrieve the oldest 50 methods, sorted by last updated date will look like below:

Note: Only English language results are currently returned by the API

Request Response

Success Response

Successful requests result in a 200 Ok response code that returns a JSON object with a single key that matches the requested resource' name, and a value that is a JSON array of requested resource values, For example, a request to fetch cases will return a JSON array in the format below:

        "cases": [] // Array of cases

Failure Response

An authorized request that fails will return a 400 Bad Request response code with a JSON object that is in the format below:

        "error": "Error message" // Reason for request failure


API calls for a list of cases, methods, and organizations that can have specific parameters. We are adding filters as parameters. The list of the filters can be seen in the table of the parameters.


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