On 27.11.2024 I had the pleasure of presenting my lecture Tool your way to inner peace in Unity development at the Game Industry Conference in Poznan. It was a great experience, just look at the photo 😃
In this repo I'm sharing the slides and all the code samples I used during my talk. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them by opening an issue.
I explored a general approach to tool development. Emphasis was placed on best practices, including good UX design principles. I showcased real-life examples, including tools from my solo projects and custom solutions built for a commercial project, StarHeroes.
Custom editor buttons based on Unity toolbar extender:
public class YourEditorButtons
static YourEditorButtons()
private static void OnRightToolbarGUI()
if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("Setup scenes", "tooltip")))
if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("Reimport files", "tooltip")))
if (EditorWarningPopup.UserAccepted())
if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("Tools windows", "tooltip")))
Custom editor window with seperate tabs:
public class EditorToolsWindow : OdinEditorWindow
[SerializeField, HideLabel, TabGroup("WEAPONS")]
private WeaponsToolTab _weaponsToolTab = new();
[SerializeField, HideLabel, TabGroup("OTHER")]
private OtherToolsTab _otherTab = new();
public static void Init()
public class WeaponsToolTab
public void PrintWeaponStats() { }
public class OtherToolsTab
public void DoStuff() { }
Tool for changing aspect ratio of the game window in the editor:
public class GameWindowAspectRatioTool
private const int OFFSET = 7;
private const int USER_RATIOS_COUNT = 5;
private static int _currentIndex = OFFSET;
[MenuItem("Tools/Switch aspect ratio %["))]
public static void SwitchAspectRatio()
var assembly = typeof(UnityEditor.Editor).Assembly;
var gameView = assembly.GetType("UnityEditor.GameView");
var instance = EditorWindow.GetWindow(gameView);
var method = gameView.GetMethod("SizeSelectionCallback");
method.Invoke(instance, new object[] { _currentIndex });
if (++_currentIndex >= OFFSET + USER_RATIOS_COUNT)
_currentIndex = OFFSET;
Tool for reimporting assets without restarting the editor:
public void Reimport(string[] assetPaths)
var importOptions = ImportAssetOptions.ForceUpdate |
ImportAssetOptions.ImportRecursive |
foreach (var path in assetPaths)
AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(path, importOptions);
Tool for loading and unloading packages:
public class PackagesTab
private List<string> ADDITIONAL_PACKAGES = new()
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]",
"[email protected]"
public void InstallAdditionalPackages()
foreach (var package in ADDITIONAL_PACKAGES)
public void UninstallAdditionalPackages()
foreach (var package in ADDITIONAL_PACKAGES)
Inspector extensions for better UX in a custom component:
public class OctreeGraphComponent : MonoBehaviour
public bool OctreeBounds;
private bool DrawBakeResult;
[FoldoutGroup("Gizmos"), EnableIf(nameof(DrawBakeResult))]
private int CubeSize;
[FoldoutGroup("Gizmos"), EnableIf(nameof(DrawBakeResult))]
private GizmoDisplayMode DisplayMode;
[FoldoutGroup("Gizmos"), EnableIf(nameof(DrawBakeResult))]
private bool DrawJustOneCube = false;
[FoldoutGroup("Gizmos"), EnableIf(nameof(DrawJustOneCube))]
[InlineButton(nameof(NextCube), SdfIconType.ArrowRight, "")]
[InlineButton(nameof(PreviousCube), SdfIconType.ArrowLeft, "")]
private int CubeIndex;
private void NextCube() => CubeIndex++;
private void PreviousCube() => CubeIndex--;
private void OnDrawGizmosSelected() => DrawGizmos();