How to put a satellite image on MapLibre with Observable Framework
Convert from GeoTIFF to PNG using GDAL. (Note: if you installed geopandas from conda-forge, then you have gdal.) The final projection must be Web Mercator.
Our demo file is transverse Mercator
gdalinfo data/vt.tif
Convert to Web Mercator
gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:3857 -r near data/vt.tif data/webmap.tif
Get corner coordinates in decimal degrees from "wgs84Extent" in the JSON output
gdalinfo -json data/webmap.tif
Convert to PNG
gdal_translate data/webmap.tif data/webmap.png
Framework has great documentation.
See: getting started.
The ./framework
directory is a barebones project created with
yarn create @observablehq
Copy the PNG into the data directory of the Framework project. For example:
cp data/webmap.png framework/docs/data
has a Framework version of the Observable notebook:
Deploy on github pages, in this case served from ./docs
mkdir docs
touch docs/.nojekyll
cd framework
yarn build
cp -r dist/* ../docs
The site is here:
See also...
- MapLibre GL -- Fil demo
- observable-framework-maps -- github
The solution above creates a single image. The approach here creates raster map tiles, which are also available on the github-pages demo. Create the tiles with: data/webmap.tif docs/webmap
has a Framework version of the observable notebook:
Vermont tiles.