A package to interface with ArrowDB - Appcelerator Cloud Services (ACS)
To install the following to your composer.json
"claymm/laravel-arrowdb" : "~1.0"
Add the service provider and alias to app/config/app.php:
'ArrowDB' => 'Claymm\ArrowDB\Facades\ArrowDB',
To publish the configuration file you'll have to run:
$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Claymm\ArrowDB\ArrowDBServiceProvider"
In your contoller or route:
$result = ArrowDB::get('user/search.json');
//do something with the returned object
To use API's that require user authentication you will need to use a third party authentication provider. I've chosen Sentry, if you'd like to use this and use a different Auth manager create a issue.
This is a fork from h3r2on/laravel-acs which is getting pretty old now and outdated so thanks to h3r2on.