Latex template for The American Astronomical Society Journals.
- Patricio Cubillos, Space Research Institute (IWF) [email protected]
- Joe Harrington, University of Central Florida (UCF)
This template uses the most recent aastex62 and emulateapj latex class files to produce pdf files as close to published ApJ documents as we could get, including a couple of bug fixes and add ons (see top-apj.tex) beyond those provided by the AAS template. The template is also compatible with the article class (e.g., for proposals or research statements).
The template.tex and template.pdf files should be self explanatory of the features provided by this template.
- Long URL hypertexts run out of the column boundaries.
Feel free to use, modify, and share this template with others. Send us feedback if you have any comment. Please shout out if this template was useful for your research.
This template is public-domain software under the CC0 license (see LICENSE).