Trait for asynchronous control rendering.
The best way to install PeckaDesign/AsyncControl is using Composer:
$ composer require pd/async-control
class CommentsControl extends Nette\Application\UI\Control {
use Pd\AsyncControl\UI\AsyncControlTrait;
public function render() {
//control rendering
If you want to call different method than render
set custom render callback:
$this->setAsyncRenderer([$this, 'customRender']);
$this->setAsyncRenderer(function () {
//control rendering
{control comments:async}
or with custom message
{control comments:async 'Show comments'}
You can set default message and attributes used for loading link in bootstrap.php
Pd\AsyncControl\UI\AsyncControlLink::setDefault('Load content', ['class' => ['btn', 'ajax']]);
or in application setup
- Pd\AsyncControl\UI\AsyncControlLink::setDefault('Load content', {class: [btn, ajax]})
To allow indexing of your site by crawlers you need to add meta tag to your page.
<meta name="fragment" content="!" n:if="$presenter->getParameter('_escaped_fragment_') === NULL">
If you place into the page, the crawler will temporarily map this URL to and will request this from your server. Your server should then return the HTML snapshot corresponding to
When parameter _escaped_fragment_
is present in url AsyncControlTrait
will always render its content.
If you want the same behaviour for visitors of your page with disabled JS, add additional meta tag within noscript tag:
<noscript n:if="$presenter->getParameter('_escaped_fragment_') === NULL">
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=?_escaped_fragment_="/>
To avoid extra load on your servers and crawlers use these tags only on pages containing controls with trait AsyncControlTrait