A terminal that supports connecting to DolphinDB >= 1.30.21, 2.00.9. By now, It supports the following operating system.
OS | Version |
Linux | Ubuntu>=18.04, CentOS>=7.9 |
MacOS | Not supported yet |
tar -zxvf ddbclient-0.2.0-Linux.tar.gz
rpm -ivh ddbclient-0.2.0-Linux.tar.gz
dpkg -i ddbclient-0.2.0-Linux.deb
Ddbclient will be copied to /usr/local/bin and configure the environment variables.
Clone this project, and use cmake to build it. Currently, it only supports linux.
git clone https://github.com/peeyee/ddbclient
git checkout 0.2.0
cmake -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=release -S .
cd build/ && make
sudo make install
By default, it will be installed at /usr/local/in. append it into your $PATH.
cd ~ && vi .bashrc
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/bin:/usr/local/bin" #add this to .bashrc
source .bashrc
- Q & A
Q: error: Failed dependencies: libgcc_s.so.1(GCC_7.0.0)(64bit) is needed by ddbclient-0.2.0-1.x86_64
A: install gcc
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install -y gcc
Q: bash: cmake: command not found
A: install cmake
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install cmake=3.1*
Q: CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:2 (project): No CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER could be found.
A: install g++
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install g++
Use cpack to get a appropriate package according to your OS.
# rpm
cpack -G RPM
# deb
cpack -G DEB
# tar.gz
cpack -G TGZ
Run ddbclient
to get a brief mannual.
(base) peter@DESKTOP-1OB2067:~$ ddbclient
usage: ./ddbclient --host=string --port=int --username=string --password=string [options] ...
-h, --host ip/hostname of server (string)
-p, --port the port of node (int)
-u, --username username (string)
-P, --password password (string)
-f, --file filename of the script to be executed (string [=])
-s, --script the script to execute (string [=])
-?, --help print this message
Without -f or -s options, it is considered as active mode, which you can send script to server and watch the result and continue doing this. The result may be formatted to make it more readable. Set the basic options to connect to DolphinDB.
(base) peter@DESKTOP-1OB2067:~$ ddbclient -h localhost -p 8848 -u admin --password 123456
_____ _ _ _ _____ ____
| __ \ | | | | (_) | __ \ | _ \
| | | | ___ | | _ __ | |__ _ _ __ | | | || |_) |
| | | | / _ \ | || '_ \ | '_ \ | || '_ \ | | | || _ <
| |__| || (_) || || |_) || | | || || | | || |__| || |_) |
|_____/ \___/ |_|| .__/ |_| |_||_||_| |_||_____/ |____/
| |
official website: https://www.dolphindb.com/
github: https://github.com/dolphindb
support email:[email protected]
Ddbclient version 0.2.0
Welcome to DolphinDB 2023.06.08
Input your command.
cli> now()
OK. Elapsed: 0.000 sec.
cli> 1..10
OK. Elapsed: 0.000 sec.
cli> print("hello world!")
hello world!
OK. Elapsed: 0.000 sec.
Use quit to exit the terminal.
cli> quit
From this version, command history,auto completion, multiline input are supported.
- command history
Use up/down arrow to search for command history. Use the ↑ to find the previous command and ↓ for next command.
- auto completion
Enter a little words, use TAB to get a non-ambiguous compeltion. Or double-click the tab key to list available candidate.
cli> get #TAB TAB
Display all 169 possibilities? (y or n) #y
getActiveCID getDBIdByTabletChunk getMarketCalendar getSmallFileBucketMeta
getActiveMaster getDFSDatabases
- multiline input
To make your input more readable, you can use multiline input. Each line that ends with a "\" is recognized as multiline input. Client will wait until the command is finished.
cli> select \
cli> * \
cli> from t1
timestamp sym qty price
--------- --- ---- ------
09:34:07 C 2200 49.6
09:36:42 MS 1900 29.46
09:38:12 C 8800 51.29
OK. Elapsed: 0.000 sec.
- s, script
Wrapping dolphinDB script with double quotes, For example:
(base) peter@DESKTOP-1OB2067:~$ ddbclient -h localhost -p 8848 -u admin --password 123456 -s "(1..10).reshape(2:5)"
#0 #1 #2 #3 #4
-- -- -- -- --
1 3 5 7 9
2 4 6 8 10
The result will be send to standard output.
- f, file
Read the script from a file, absolute paths are recommended, make sure you have the right to access it.
(base) peter@DESKTOP-1OB2067:~$ echo "now()" > now.dos
(base) peter@DESKTOP-1OB2067:~$ ddbclient -h localhost -p 8848 -u admin --password 123456 -f ~/now.dos