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- P. Liu, Z. Wu, et al., "An improved spatial branch-and-bound algorithm for non-convex optimal electricity-gas flow," in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 1326-1339, March 2022.
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- P. Liu, Z. Wu, et al., "Spatial branching for conic non-convexities in optimal electricity-gas flow," in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, early access.
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Z. Wu, P. Liu, et al., "A bi-level planning approach for hybrid AC-DC distribution system considering N-1 security criterion," in Applied Energy, vol. 230, pp. 417-428, November 2018.
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P. Liu, Z. Wu, et al., "Security-constrained AC–DC hybrid distribution system expansion planning with high penetration of renewable energy," in International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, vol. 142, part B, no. 108285.
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P. Liu, Z. Wu, et al., "A novel acceleration strategy for N-1 contingency screening in distribution system," 2020 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), 2020, pp. 1-5.
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P. Liu, Z. Wu, et al., "A non-convex and non-iterative approach for fast vulnerability analysis of smart grids," submitted to IEEE PES ISGT-Europe 2022 Conference.
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