Look in the auth_controller to see the current playground of code. At some point soon it will be refactored for prime time business!
We need to create a "sign in" link that opens up janrain_login_url() which will allow the user to either login or register and then log the user into the site.
We will have links for register and profile as well.
We will need to create a user model that will contain required fields, the capture_id, and any other data relevant to the user that is site specific, or that will be loaded into Janrain's capture database.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
include Janrain::Capture::User
User capture methods:
User#find_by_capture_id(7) # =>
User#find(3) # => internal id that is used for local database
User#signed_in? # => TODO
User#capture_status # => TODO
User#refresh_login! # => TODO
Local User model properties:
User#id # => the local active record id used for relations
User#capture_id # => the capture id used for mapping local records with Janrain
User#any_local_field # => a local field that is not shared accross federated apps
User#display_name # => a local cache for the capture value that will be updated on each profile request.
After Authentication Hook:
def self.post_authentication_hook(user, entity, oauth)
... do something with the user and the entity from janrain, etc ...
Note: this could be used for post processing profile information or something.
We will need to implement the authentication on controllers so we can ensure that users are logged in and have permission.
Simple controller integration:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
include Janrain::Authentication
Familiar authentication API's:
class MusicController < ApplicationController
before_filter :authenticate_user! # just like devise
def index
# same methods and api as devise.
return if signed_in? and current_user.email
Admin permission enforcement:
class Roadie::MusicController < ApplicationController
before_filter :authenticate_user! # just like devise
before_filter :authenticate_admin_user! # enforce admin permissions
before_filter :authenticate_super_user! # enforce super user permissions
Url helpers (used for fancybox/iframes, etc):
Options: :url overrides the return_to url, :host overrides the host
class AuthController < ApplicationController
def new
# show a page that has buttons to signup or sign in, etc
def create
# processes new and existing users and signs them in
sign_in user
def destroy
# signs a user out
Simple configuration (config/janrain.yml):
client_id: 'kjhgkjhgdw7qd8qw873yrgukegw'
secret: 'sssshh-dont-tell-anyone'
domain: 'https://asite.dev.janraincapture.com'
Janrain::Capture::Client::OAuth Janrain::Capture::Client::Entity Janrain::Capture::User Janrain::Capture::UrlHelpers Janrain::Config Janrain::Authentication
- add user.capture for fetching and returning the capture info
- save the janrain entity attributes in model as cache @user.some_field
- create configuration for capture (split out resource/application configs from environment keys and secrets, etc) "resource_name"
- capture status for model (contains time left, etc)
- [implement pending tests] create schema tools for adding and removing fields to schema (needs tests)
- get schema (needs test)
- create new entity type (user_3, etc)
- permissions for schema access (ignore for now)
- add constraints to schema (email, unique constraint)
- remove attribute (needs tests)
- add support for default entity types/names for user, etc