Vectoring code for a three wheel omni chassis written for Arduino Microcontroller.
Motor speed control using encoders. Encoder are connected to the hardware interrupt of the microcontroller(Arduino Mega). A timer using the timming interrupt service routine is used to measure the motor rotation speed. System Identification is performed to approximate the DC motors as 2nd order system. PID controller is implemented for speed control.
X and Y vector (or Magnitude, Theta) are transformed to the three motor RPMs.
This functionality is added for the control of robot via ROS running your smart phone.
Contact us if you have any problem
Contributors names and contact info
- Phan Ben - Da Nang University of Technology - Email: [email protected]
- Dương Hoang Thanh Trúc - Da Nang University of Technology
- Nguyễn Hải Đức - Da Nang University of Technology
- Phạm Thành Long - Da Nang University of Technology
- Nguyễn Quốc Nhân - Da Nang University of Technology