105 table 09 tplyr #404
GitHub Actions / Unit Tests Summary
Mar 7, 2024 in 0s
1 errors, 118 pass in 1m 5s
ββ1 filesβββ28 suitesβββ1m 5s β±οΈ
119 testsβ118 β
βββ0 π€β0 ββ1 π₯
446 runsββ334 β
β111 π€β0 ββ1 π₯
Results for commit b4ee16b.
Check failure on line 0 in fda_table_09
github-actions / Unit Tests Summary
make_table_09_tplyr_provides_risk_difference_columns_based_on_the_risk_diff_pairs_parameter (fda_table_09) with error
falcon.Rcheck/tests/testthat/junit-result.xmlβ[took 0s]
Raw output
<purrr_error_indexed/rlang_error/error/condition> ('test-fda-table_09.R:179:3')
Error in `map(x$layers, process_summaries)`: i In index: 2.
Caused by error in `map()`:
i In index: 1.
i With name: riskdiff.
Caused by error in `pmap()`:
i In index: 10.
Caused by error in `if (all(c(total_comp, total_ref) > 0)) ...`:
! missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
1. +-falcon::make_table_09_tplyr(...) at test-fda-table_09.R:179:3
2. | \-... %>% suppressWarnings()
3. +-base::suppressWarnings(.)
4. | \-base::withCallingHandlers(...)
5. +-Tplyr::build(.)
6. +-Tplyr:::build.tplyr_table(.)
7. | +-base::tryCatch(...)
8. | | \-base (local) tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
9. | \-purrr::map(x$layers, process_summaries)
10. | \-purrr:::map_("list", .x, .f, ..., .progress = .progress)
11. | +-purrr:::with_indexed_errors(...)
12. | | \-base::withCallingHandlers(...)
13. | +-purrr:::call_with_cleanup(...)
14. | +-Tplyr (local) .f(.x[[i]], ...)
15. | \-Tplyr:::process_summaries.count_layer(.x[[i]], ...)
16. | \-purrr::map(x$stats, process_statistic_data)
17. | \-purrr:::map_("list", .x, .f, ..., .progress = .progress)
18. | +-purrr:::with_indexed_errors(...)
19. | | \-base::withCallingHandlers(...)
20. | +-purrr:::call_with_cleanup(...)
21. | +-Tplyr (local) .f(.x[[i]], ...)
22. | \-Tplyr:::process_statistic_data.tplyr_riskdiff(.x[[i]], ...)
23. | \-base::evalq(...)
24. | \-base::evalq(...)
25. | \-prep_two_way() %>% pmap_dfr(riskdiff, args = args)
26. +-purrr::pmap_dfr(., riskdiff, args = args)
27. | \-purrr::pmap(.l, .f, ...)
28. | \-purrr:::pmap_("list", .l, .f, ..., .progress = .progress)
29. | +-purrr:::with_indexed_errors(...)
30. | | \-base::withCallingHandlers(...)
31. | +-purrr:::call_with_cleanup(...)
32. | \-Tplyr (local) .f(...)
33. +-base::.handleSimpleError(...)
34. | \-purrr (local) h(simpleError(msg, call))
35. | \-cli::cli_abort(...)
36. | \-rlang::abort(...)
37. | \-rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
38. | \-base::signalCondition(cnd)
39. +-purrr (local) `<fn>`(`<prrr_rr_>`)
40. | \-cli::cli_abort(...)
41. | \-rlang::abort(...)
42. | \-rlang:::signal_abort(cnd, .file)
43. | \-base::signalCondition(cnd)
44. \-purrr (local) `<fn>`(`<prrr_rr_>`)
45. \-cli::cli_abort(...)
46. \-rlang::abort(...)